
Friday, June 21, 2013

In My Sisters Garden - Humor and Memories

I was at my sisters house last week getting ready for the reunion and I was working hard but I couldn't help appreciate the bleeding heart plant she had in the front of her house. I have planted bleeding hearts in my yard over 10 times for sure and they always die. I have tried them in the front and back, in sun and shade and they always die. 

My mother would always tell us growing up that my great-grandmother had a beautiful garden and she had bleeding hearts. While searching the pictures and scanning them all, it is true. I found some pictures of my grandmother in her mothers garden but the sad part is that they were in black and white. You can see the lovely garden but just not enjoy the colors. 

I figure the love of gardens and flowers must be hereditary as many of my siblings have lovely gardens and enjoy gardening.

When we were growing up, we lived in a hundred plus year old mansion. It had a lovely rose garden in the back near the carriage barn and the other thing it grew were huge beautiful poppies. 

I also have tried to grow poppies in my yard many times and at the most got a very little flower and it never came back. It is probably the clay and acid in my soil. 
While at my sisters, she mentioned that she had a huge poppy plant on the side of her house that I would appreciate so off I trapse through her yard with my camera in hand to capture a photo of one of my favorite flowers. There it was bursting in color. I was so glad she told me to go check it out. How beautiful is this! 

On the way out there, I noticed her salad in a basket where she has planted lots of different types of lettuce and thought that was cute so I added that picture at the top. 

She has a lovely glass walled in area at he back of the house that she starts plants in and someone gave her a palm tree recently so she has that there in her "green house" room as well. 

So I get a text from her the other day with a picture of her eye. She has a large purple bruise around her eye. I asked her what happened and she said it was a black and white movie classic moment. She was gardening in her back yard when she turned around to get something and she stepped on her rake and it flew up and hit her square in the eye and gave her a black eye. 
It is hard not to laugh when you hear how she tells it. She is so funny telling her story. I am glad it didn't do any permanent damage to her eye and gave us all a good laugh in the end. I think I have done similar things as I remember having stepped on my rake but I know it didn't hit me in the eye. Weird that she was just the right height to get hit there. If she was shorter, it would have hit her head and not her eye. Weird how those things work out sometimes.

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