
Monday, June 3, 2013

Fake It Until You Become It

 A good friend sent me a link to this woman speaking about body language. It is about twenty minutes long and I thought I would watch it later. I have always been fascinated with Body Language so I changed my mind and decided to take the time to watch the video even thought it was late. 

I was fascinated by what she discovered.

She found through studies that just by posing in an open and large manner before going into a stressful situation, you will do better. 

In the study, they had people pose in a large and confident or open and relaxed pose for two minutes. They had another group pose in a small and closed off stance for two minutes and gave them the same interview. 

The people that judged the interviews had nothing to do with, and no knowledge of the study. Every person that posed in the grand and open manner was rated higher and more likable than those that stood in the closed and small manner. 

Her talk is well worth the time and I think anyone can learn from it. It reminds me of the show "Lie to Me" where the entire show is based on micro-expressions showing how people say one thing but their split second expression just as a situation happens, really shows what they feel. 

If you haven't watched the show, I found it really eye opening and we actually just bought one of the seasons this weekend so we could explore the facial and body language better. 

I think knowing how to read people gives you an understanding of people and how to be more empathetic and can only help you in all aspects of your life. 

I chose the pictures I did because these pictures were taken for Princess three's Senior photos and we actually went to the college she would be attending the next fall to take them. She is open and large and in a power pose in all of the photos. In two, she is even flying off the ground. 

I never thought of it consciously or even planned it on any level to "help" her in school but looking back, I can see now that by going to the college and making her "bigger than life" and "Flying" through it and in powerful poses probably helped her feel that she was in charge and in control when she actually did go to college there. She has been on top with being an ambassador, with work and with grades. She even stayed through the summer which none of the other girls did.

Seeing how that probably gave her the belief that she could "fly" and be in control when she arrived there, I think I will take the other girls to the college of their choice the spring before they go and do a photo shoot with them being "On top" of the school and "Flying" through it and being in "control" and "open" poses. 

I bet it would even work for pre-school children or before they go into middle school or high school. Perhaps I will take Princess Five over to the high school and do some cute poses and photos of her there and just not tell her why. I doubt it could hurt and by the sound of Amy Cuddy, it would probably help! 

I have this Disney Princess dress and most of the girls have worn it and I call them my Princesses, but perhaps, I had to feel like one before I could help them feel like one! That's another story for another day.

Here is the youtube link for you to enjoy Amy Cuddy's entire video. If you like it, share it with others as that is what she wants, for us all to "Fake it until you Become it!"

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