
Friday, May 10, 2013

My Last Band Concert - Happy Yet Sad

Princess five had her last band concert tonight. I was in the yard pulling weeds when she informed me she had "five, no fifteen minutes to be there." I looked up dumbly and said, "But you said it was at seven." She then yelled, "I was wrong." over her shoulder running into the house.

I was grateful that some kind friend shared with her that the concert started at six and not seven so that we were both there as I was getting ready to mow the lawn. I took some pictures and a little video. 

I laughed the other day when we watched a home video of Princess two playing the flute for her middle school band concert. I stupidly videotaped the entire thing. No one wants to watch a middle school band play even once let alone again later. We ended up fast forwarding the entire thing.

When the concert was over, Princess five ran up and said, "It's our last band concert." I hadn't really thought about it until she shared that with me and then I was happy but just a tad sad. It is a new stage of life.

Princess five is moving to high school and doesn't want to continue with band. She is planning on focusing on dance as they are both during the same class time so she won't be able to do both. She did a magnificent job playing with both bands as sixth graders aren't allowed to do percussion. You can see how serious she is about her job. She played just about all the instruments that a percussionist can play in the six or eight songs they played. 

I realized that I have to stop telling her how happy I am that I don't have to do class parties and concerts etc anymore. I need to let her enjoy each phase as it is still a first for her. I may have done it fifty times but each time she gets to that stage, it is still a first for her. I have tried over the past few weeks to be better about just enjoying time with her and where she is in her journey. Sometimes, I think we are both in a hurry for her to get to the next stage and we are missing the precious moments of where she is in life. 

She looks forward to high school and I look forward to having two in the same dance team again as I now can support them both at the same time and place without having to shuttle back and forth between schools. 

You were magnificent tonight Princess number five and I look forward to hearing more music from you in the future, just not in band!

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