
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Final Concert Tour Done - Enjoyable to the End

Princess Four was in a choir this year. She toured to California with the choir and really enjoyed the tour. The choir has a spiritual program that they do for churches with traditional hymns such as "Come Thou Fount" and it is about an hour program. 

They did a Christmas Concert this year and Princess One and Two were both in the last numbers as any alumni from the past can come and join them when they sing their last number or others they may know if invited. 

This year was their twentieth year as a choir so they had a huge group of alumni come back to town and join them in their show. 

I already shared about how crazy our weekend was and so the oldest two princesses didn't come down for the reunion but I enjoyed seeing all their old friends for the evening. 

They also have a show program where they do classic songs and medley's of the different eras while they sing and dance. 

Each year, there final concert is over Mothers Day weekend.  But, because it was a reunion, they hired out the large auditorium and invited everyone back and charged to get in and it was very packed with all the families of the almost 40 kids in the choir this year and the 60 alumni that showed up. 100 people plus family made for a crowded auditorium. 

I tried to get some good pictures of Princess when they were singing their inspirational music but she was in the back and with 100 people on stage, it was had for the camera to focus and with the dark lighting, it was even more difficult. 

During the show part of the choir, I was able to get a few more clear shots due to her being a bit apart from some and I got two shots of her being carried because they held those poses at the end for a few seconds and weren't moving all the time as they were when dancing. 

So, here are the best shots I could get without editing 20 people out of each picture.

I wasn't really happy with the baseball type shirts they picked for the girls to wear. I like the boys polo shirts much better. The colors are drab and that style isn't really flattering on anyone, especially girls. I wish they had gone with something of color and a different style. 
The conductors are going to be leaving and two other people will be taking over and transitioning this next year. I am not sure Princess Five will want to do it but I don't know that I can handle two on dance team and two in the choir. They would always be gone. 

It will be interesting to see how the next year plays out. 

My favorite part was probably the last number where they sing "Do You Hear the People Sing?" from Les Miserable. It was the last number and they all started coming up. Princess Four got so into it and her faces were so intense. I almost wanted to just post her faces from that song as she looked so serious, I could really feel her angst that the song promotes.  It was well worth the cost of the choir to support her in her dreams and passions.   

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