
Friday, May 17, 2013

Diablo Chicken Mmm, Mmm, Good

As you know from past posts, we have had lots of house company over the past few months. My girlfriend is from Texas originally and told us she wanted to make some Chicken for us one night. We rarely eat a chicken breast or a piece of meat as part of our meal. I usually take one or two chicken breasts and chop it up and make a meal out of it. 

I think that is one of the reasons that Princess Two didn't have more problems with her gallbladder while she lived at home. We don't eat lots of meat or fats. 

Anyway, my friend cut the breasts in half leaving them joined on one side making a flat chicken. She usually uses a mallet and pounds it flat but we arrived home late that day so she improvised. 

She then cut off a piece of cheese and laid it on the chicken breast. She likes pepper jack but you can use any type you like. 

Next, she put sliced jalapeno's on it. They are sold in the Mexican food section at the store and are canned or bottled. She threw about 10 slices on each piece of chicken.

Next, she rolled the chicken into a log with the cheese and peppers inside and put toothpicks in it to hold it together. Next, she wrapped the entire thing in a few bacon slices.

She baked them on a foil covered cookie sheet with the rack in the center of the oven at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes. She drained off the fat and put them back in for a few more minutes to crisp up the bacon

 We loved it! I served it with rice, (see that post here.) frozen fresh corn, (see that post here) and frozen baked squash, (see a post where I mention roasting it and the seeds here.)

None of us could finish our piece of chicken. I tried but not being used to eating that much meat per meal and with all the other foods, I couldn't do it and had to save a few bites for later. I enjoyed it just as much the next day! Two princesses came home the next day and each had one and I am for sure going to be making these again. I think they would be great for Bunko. I just had my turn for this year so I am looking forward to making them next year.

Diablo Chicken

about 6 chicken breasts thawed
1 lb uncooked bacon
1- 4 oz can of jalapeno's sliced and drained
1 lb pepper jack cheese or other flavor cheese

fillet chicken breasts, fill with cheese and peppers, roll and use toothpick to hold it together and then wrap in bacon. Bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees or until done and serve.

Here is my friend in my "Domestic Diva" apron making the chicken. I have another dish she made for us to post about and you are going to LOVE it! So good. It is making my mouth water just thinking about it.

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