
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What a Day - Gratitude and Blessings Abounds

A few months ago princess four was working on her math homework in the locker room between performances and she left her TI calculator in the locker room by mistake. She had to borrow one from her teacher these past few months so she could get her homework done. 

Today, I went to a second hand store and there wasn't lots but as I was there, they brought out another cart and I saw this calculator and grabbed it. It was $3. I asked to borrow some batteries to check it out while there and it works! 

Princess four was very excited about this purchase, as was I, as I still have one more princess to go and she needs a calculator for the next four years. The loss was a costly one but today's find saved me $100. Even used, they are over $50. I am so grateful for the blessing. 

We have had so many blessings this week. Princess two was using the washing machine and it didn't work. It left water in the washer and didn't drain or spin. This happened last time she did her laundry a few weeks ago. The repair man said that this week someone decided to get a new washer and dryer set and he put a few new parts in this washer as it was a few years old and brought it over last night. 

He also had a dryer that someone bought and it didn't work so the company gave them a new one. I guess after they gave them a new one, they realized that it was the person's vent system that was the problem but the company had already written off this other dryer. It literally was still in the box as he brought it to my house. I went to Home Depot to get a new gas line that was a bit longer than the one I had and the Dryer from the same company is almost $1,0000 and the washer was over $400. 

So within three days, we had a new water heater, new (less than three years old but new to us) washer, new dryer and a fixed lawn mower. 

The lawn mower was pulled out for the first time today. I had to get it started as it had a rough start due to not having been used all winter. I noticed when I pulled the rope that it had a worn spot in the center and thought it may break soon. 

Princess 2 finished the front yard and then went to mow the back yard and the rope broke. The man that does my appliances has an assistant who just happens to fix mowers on the side. His assistant was here helping him move in the new dryer. When they finished moving in the new dryer, he fixed the mower with a stronger nylon chord. He had it done within minutes.

Princess 2 had time to finish mowing the back yard during daylight hours. All the girls helped rake up the rest of the twigs and branches from the branches that fell during the past weeks storms. I cut the larger two branches into small pieces and we filled up most of the garbage cans.

There were two other blessing of the day that I want to share. When they were taking out the old dryer, they found a ring under my dryer. I thought it was a cheap ring one of the girls had and put it aside until thing were all put away. 

There were also two pennies under the dryer when I was cleaning up as well. It was a sweet reminder to "Trust God."  

When I looked at the ring a bit closer, I was a bit shocked to see that it is 18 karat white gold with diamond chips around three quarters of the ring. I called people who stayed with us and actually called the person we got the old dryer from asking if he remembered where he got the dryer. No luck on finding who it belongs to so we got a designer ring by "M. Christoff" with about 30 diamond chips in it that is 18 karat gold. 
The man who got me the washer and dryer has been a friend for years and insists he isn't allowing us to pay him for this but we have had it out and as it is, I am paying him almost nothing for installation and removal and new appliances. 

What a week. How can I not be grateful this week? So many blessings and a beautiful ring as well. I looked down at my phone today when I got a new text and laughed when I saw that I had 1 unread text and 111 texts total. 

Heavenly Father is so wonderful to continue to remind me that I am loved! 

1 comment:

  1. Our washing machine did the same thing a couple months ago. Turns out it was just the switch on the back of the lid.

    Sorry to hear about your water heater as well.

    We've had repairs done to 2 washing machines in the last 4 or 5 months. The first one was too expensive to repair so we got rid of it (it belonged to the landlord/house) and put in our own which then needed the switch replaced and then a month ago I found water on the floor again, turns out the hose that attaches the bleach dispenser had lost it's clamp so that was about a $.97 repair for a new hose clamp.

    We also had our dishwasher leak and raise up a portion of our living room floor (which is right on the other side of the wall from the kitchen/dishwasher) The landlords were nice enough to replace it instead of making us wash dishes by hand. The floor is drying out now and looks pretty good. I'm going to try to put a towel over it and iron it to see if the glue will dry and spread out to normal so it will be all better.

    Let's hope the both of us have no more leakage problems for a VERY VERY long time.
