
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cute Fingernail Flowers Using a Crayon

 Princess three came home for spring break and it seems each time she comes home, she brings a new trick for painting her fingernails.

Princess five is always up for cute nails and so Princess three sent her on a quest for a NEW crayon. It had to be new or you would have to have it near new so you can cut off the tip and make it flat. 

I have used the back of paint brushes before but you can really use anything that is round and flat in the size dot you want. 

She did a few practice flowers on some paper and asked Princess five what colors she wanted.Once that was decided, she painted a  base coat on Princess five's nails and let that dry. They watched a movie while they did it so it seemed to dry in no time. 

Once they were dry, she dipped the tip of the crayon in the main color she wanted for the center of the flower. She made one dot in the center of the nail and let it dry. Then she took the color she wanted for the petals of the flower and made five dots. 
After each dot, she took a pointed round toothpick and pulled away some of the paint from the center of the petal towards the outside tip of the petal. This made the petal look like it had a vein down the center. She did it with each dot on the outside of the center dot. That was the only one you don't use the toothpick on. 

You let the entire thing dry and then you clear coat over it all and let that coat dry. It looks really cute and Princess five said she got lots of compliments and questions on how to do it from her friends. It didn't take very long but make sure you don't do large gobs of paint on the dots or it takes lots of time to dry. Just an even flat coat on the tip of the crayon works well

As you can see by this close up shot, the center looks clear almost like a rainbow petal because of the toothpick pull. This would be a fun thing to do for Spring making a different colored flower on each finger for your little one's. A bouquet of flowers on your fingers!  

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