
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What Happens In Vegas, Hopefully Doesn't Stay in Vegas

Princess one and her husband were coming down a few weeks ago and their car motor blew up. I told you about that a few days ago. My dad, the amazing person that he is, offered us a car to have since we gave Princess One the car we bought for Princess Two. We spent a few weeks cleaning up her car and getting it how we wanted it and I love how Princess two willingly gave it up. 

Princess one paid her what she paid for it but I was impressed that she would willing let her have it. She knew that they have busy schedules and that she would be able to have me find her another (with help from my dad most times) and her Heavenly Father would make sure her needs were met. 

In the last week, Princess two thought perhaps she would go out again on a mission and finish up the time that she missed due to her surgery. She started getting things in order and got a call saying "all she needed to do now was get a Dr.'s note saying she was healthy enough to go back."

Within an hour, we got a call from my sister-in-law asking if Princess two could go help her college roommate with her kids. Her sister is dying of Cancer in the Boston area and she has four small children and her husband is gone 80 hours a week or more. There were some other health issues with her children etc. 

Princess two had a choice to make. I told my sister-in-law that she couldn't go unless she had a car because we just gave hers away. She called us back saying they had a truck in a city near us as his father had just died and gave him the truck in the will. They needed a way to get it to them. (This situation explains why those in-laws can't help them.) They asked if she would be willing to drive it to them. They would then have a car for her to take the children around and the husband could drive the truck. 

We both got a ride to pick up the cars and now I have a car that I don't have to shift all the time and the best part for me is...... Ready for it...... It has power windows, door locks AND cruise control!!! It actually has the sweetest of everything. It has things I have never even heard of before. There are buttons and knobs all over and the sound system is great. It has more power than my suburban I think. It has the memory seat positions for different drivers and when I put the key in the ignition, the seat moves forward and the air shock pump goes on.

Thanks dad for providing for us once again!

But, on the sad front.... Princess 2 moved to Vegas this week. :-( We miss her dearly. She said the little girl she is "Nannying"  keeps calling her an "Indian" and telling her they are "Best Friends!" Princess 2 posted on her facebook, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." but I hope she doesn't stay there long. She is missed. 

She will stay until she feels she is no longer needed. I hope all calms down for this family quickly so Princess can move on in her own life. At times, I wish things would calm down in my life so I could move on. :-)

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