
Friday, March 8, 2013

House in a Month - New Neighbors

About  four days ago, a friend I ran into at a board meeting told me he purchased the land across the street from me to build a slab home on to sell. He said the last home he built on a slab had so much interest that the thought he would do it again. 
With that thought, it made me think that it would be an older couple that would buy it. My children are the only one's left on the street. There are only couples living on the street now. 
I was kind of sad at the thought that our street is so "old" now but my guess is that they will be quiet neighbors which isn't a bad thing. Also, we have limited parking on our street which makes it difficult if kids come home to visit. 

I mentioned that I had my trailer on the property and that I had no way to move it right now as I lent out my suburban and it is 3 hours away. He said he thought it would be ok tucked in on the back corner of the lot as the house is turned a bit and he didn't think it would be a problem. 

I had no idea he was going to be building it so soon. He made it sound like it would be sometime in the future. Two days later, two long flatbeds filled with framework get parked on the street filling the little street. 

For the past two days, there have been about 20 cars and trucks up and down the  street completely filling it.  Thank heavens we have a driveway. 
I am AMAZED at how quickly it is going up. They had it dug in a day, forms in that same day and the last two days, they have been pouring cement. Crazy!

Tonight, everything was taken out of the street and the bottom photo shows what is left. I thought you couldn't pour cement during the winter but what do I know. 

I won't be able to get to my trailer any time soon but the way they are moving on this, I am not worried that I will be able to get to it by Easter.  

I am not sure who will be home for Easter anyway so I may not need it. Perhaps we will just tent it this year.     

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