
Friday, February 8, 2013

Circle The Wagons... Friends To The Rescue

I have lots going on today but wanted to take a minute and tell you of all my blessings in the past few weeks. 

Last week, my income was cut in half. Life happens and I saw the writing on the wall but hoped that I could have faith that people will do the right thing but we have our agency.... 

With that, before knowing about the income issues, I signed two girls up for a week long summer religious youth retreat. I paid for them to go a few days before finding out about my income issue. Also, I had already committed to Princess four going on a service mission and her choir is going on tour and we still owed on that. 

We planned on doing fund raisers but I was hoping with the holidays over and some bills getting paid off that I could help her out. I had also started getting some dental work done feeling that things were finally calming down now that Princess 2 had surgery, no weddings in sight and Princess three set in school and doing well and no more missionary monthly payments. 

My Bunko friends are amazing. We were selling scarves as a fund raiser (Click here for that post) I make about $2.50 an hour to $5 and hour when we make them but it is more than I have at the moment but one Bunko friend gave her $100. Another paid $40 for the scarf. Others bought several. One friend donated $30 to her Jr. Prom dress fund. Well, that is a post for another day but we will be using the money for her service mission. 

Today, I woke to a call from a neighbor, friend and mother of one of my Bunko group friends. She asked if she could make some scarves for my princess to sell as she was going on a road trip this weekend with her husband and she could make them in the car. 

I had another Bunko friend buy two Cabela gift cards from me that Delta gave me for the trouble I had on my flights with my mom. (See that post here) She paid full price and bought some iTunes cards we hadn't used as we still have credit on there from a few years ago Valentines day. (See that post here

I was over helping my friend paint her new house today and got a call about something large that Princess 2 is selling. That will help in the Service mission front. 

I shared with my friends, how when one person shirks their responsibilities, God always steps in and helps me when I am serving. 

Princess 2 is doing so well cleaning our house of stuff and earning money for the service mission. 

I was sad this week to learn of a good friends death. She had no health problems that were visible and had a massive heart attack. I couldn't help think, once again, at how good people die and how there are some really horrible people in this world and why the good ones seem to be going. She is, and was, and Angel and will be missed. 

We took Princess two's new car into get looked at as we thought she needed struts or something and come to find out, the inside rim metal at some point bent towards the tire and was rubbing making the tire wear more quickly and could cause a blowout. I was grateful that it was only $10 to get it bent back. We were also able to fix a ding in her windshield. 

So many friends have gathered and circled the wagon (so to speak) in trying to help Princess Four go to Thailand.Thanks to all of you! You know who you are!

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