
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day Two of the Perfect Birthday Gift

The day didn't start out so well for me. As I wrote before, I was up all night working on things for my sister. I had a headache while I slept and didn't get much sleep. 

I got up several times and took stuff. I think I lit a fire at my sisters as her family went "hulk" after what we did yesterday, they worked on the garage, all the bookshelves you see in these photos were brought out of there yesterday so they were cleaning out more. They took down the outside Christmas stuff as well. 
They then emptied out the corner that had all the food storage boxes in it so we could move over her industrial sewing machines. I posted about one of those here.  As a side note on that, I was able to find her an industrial serger machine about a year ago for $100. She got it tuned up and the both work well so for $200 total, she has two industrial machines worth over $1,000 each. She is using them for work as she used to sew all the time for money, now she uses them to trade sometimes. 
We moved and dusted all the book shelves. I think I don't like the tall one on the wall facing and will suggest tomorrow that we go with another short one there for aesthetics.

I couldn't believe how excited the kids were and they willingly helped. I got so many comments on how open and nice it was and how clean and organized everything is. 

My sister has moved 4 times in the past few years and has never been able to unpack and completely move in. (Here is a post about that.) Her younger children know packing and moving as a part of life. They are
ALL very happy to be unpacking, sorting, and organizing. We have lots of boxes of things needing to find a home still and I didn't paint anything today. I never "shook" my headache today. I am still dealing with it but bringing joy to my sister for her birthday was worth working through it. 

I didn't lift much in moving things but vacuumed several times and worked on their surround sound speaker system as well as organizing and decorating. I also took LOTS of cardboard boxes out to be crushed and recycled. 

The last photo is of my sisters family relaxing after a VERY busy day! Glad I can give the gift that keeps on giving!    

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