
Monday, January 21, 2013

Cooties, Beans, and Musical Traps

It is a holiday weekend and we did something kinda fun. We had a game weekend as we sorted through the house. 

We decided to go through our games so we could get rid of the games that the girls have out grown and games we may not want to play anymore. 

As we started going through them, we had some great laughs. Several of the girls didn't want to get rid of the "Cooties" game saying it was one of their favorite. 

Princess number two and her girlfriend had some fun playing "Cooties" when they had a "girls" night the other night. Her friend won before she even got a head. 

In the end, we got rid of about 15 games. Princess number two is still selling things to make money for her sisters service mission. One room of the house looks like a second hand store but I'm happy that with that, we have been going through each room and cleaning out things that we haven't used in years. 

The money is nice as we have a large payment due each month for a few more months to pay off the Mission but I am almost more happy with the deep cleaning that is helping find the stuff to sell. 

Princess two said that my room cleaning has motivated her to do more on hers. She went through more of her clothes today and anything that needs mending or hasn't been worn, left. 

She has been getting $5 a game on the yard sale site so selling just the games alone will bring in $100 or so. 

It was really fun to play those games that haven't been played in years as we knew we were letting them go, we all had some good laughs while reminiscing. 

Thanks again to Princess two for instigating this and helping with the fund raising. What games are hidden in your closet that may be fun to resurrect?

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