
Friday, December 7, 2012

Women were Created to Create

I realized today that the posts this week have been really long and that is without photos. I also realized this week that I think my love language is a mix between acts of service and giving time. 

I stayed up again all night working on Princess four and five's Christmas gifts. I am trying to make most of my gifts this year. I have gotten them done for the most part but have a little bit left to go on putting them together. I am really excited to be able to show them to you once Christmas has come and the girls won't see them. 

Princess five is VERY excited about my making things. I think more than if I were buying things. She really has most everything she could want so homemade gifts really are a good idea. 

I was getting ready to post this and the screen saver photo came up of me giving my mother the refinished frame and photo (See that post here) that was in many pieces a few years ago and I touched up the paint for a day, finished putting the frame together another day and gave it to her. 

Seeing this photos made me realize that I do act of service and give gifts but mostly gifts of time. That isn't a bad thing but I realize that is truly something I enjoy. I think part of it is that by making gifts, I get to use my creativity and create things. Someone close to me used to make comments when I would make crafts that they would "Make great kindling some day." 

That person didn't realize that part of me and part of most women is designed to create. We are creators by design and when we are not creating children, we are creating homes, creating food, joy, crafts, gifts.....

It is part of who we are. I am my happiest when I can create something beautiful out of something others think is trash or useless. As I look around my home, most of the furnishings were at one point something someone got rid of, I got it, refinished it, covered it, painted it, glued it and made it beautiful. 

I get compliments often on things in my home and most wouldn't know that the items were other persons discards. I had a family member say I had many of the family treasures. When it came down to it, at the time, with the condition of the items at that time, no one wanted them. However, once I spent hours and sometimes days refinishing them, cleaning them, sewing them, paying for them to be restored etc, then, they become envious or seeing the value when they saw none before. 

I am sad that some of my mothers treasures were thrown away by family members who saw no value because of the presentation or condition of the items. 

Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder and I understand that not everyone has the gift of seeing the value of things or being able to create. This week, I have come to know I have been blessed with many talents, for this I am grateful. 

The things shown are all things I have blogged about in the past that were things made out of things no one wanted or literally were in the trash.  If you want to read more about any of them just type in a description of the item in the search at the bottom and they will come up and you can read about them and how they were "saved" and restored or used. 

There were so many more posts of thing like that which I could have included but it was getting too long for me as I need sleep. :-)

If you are reading this and you or your spouse creates things; scrapbooks, paintings, beautiful meals, wonderful children, a beautiful home, being beautiful and healthy.... etc Give gratitude for that ability to create and how it helps them fill that need in themself which can only make them better for their family and children.

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