
Monday, December 3, 2012

Travel Nightmares..... Wonderful Hosts - Part 1

I am so tired and have fallen asleep so many places in the last two days that I am going to forget putting up a picture as I have Sit-itus so bad from jet-lag. 

To highlight some of the nightmare of our trip; our non-stop DELTA flight which would have made our trip about 14 hours decided to not put us on another flight with my handicapped mother but allowed us to sit in the plane on the ground for over two hours while they tried to take fuel out of the tanks because three of the five toilets on the plane weren't working and they couldn't let us fly to Paris without them. 

So, they took off fuel since they couldn't land in Georgia with that much fuel and then flew to Georgia where we ended up in the middle of the night with no food places open getting salted nuts and pretzels (I ordered low salt meals for my mother as she swells when she travels which means she got no food for hours and hours.) while they moved the meals and luggage to another plane which took over an hour. We then loaded onto another wonderful DELTA flight taking even more time and once in the air, the call lights would not stop binging. 

For hours and hours we listened to them. They finally got on the speakers and said that the ground crew suggested that all three hundred tired and upset passengers move the arm rests up and down hoping it was a pinched wire or something. Nope. My overtired and distress mother who was wearing compression hose and now exhausted and hungry starts to get upset that they have no in flight movie as they left us half-way through one on the last flight. Each time a stewardess comes down the isle, she asks for the same movie to be put on. 

Since she almost died a few years ago, (see a post about that here) her short term memory is a bit sketchy especially when she is tired. I don't know why she couldn't remember that the stewardess told her over and over that because of the call light problems, it over rides the movie system and they couldn't put it on until they figured it out. However, my mother could remember that she didn't see all of the movie they started on the previous flight! So, she asked over and over. 

Finally, they decided to put the movie on anyway, I am sure that was due to their being very tired of hearing my mother asking about it. The call light problem was never solved on the intercontinental flight to Paris. 

Due to the delays with the first flight, we missed our connections in Paris. My mother couldn't sleep due to the noise and her restless leg which was ok at first but due to the extended flights and compression hose, she was a mess. I had hoped to give her a sleeping pill for the entire flight but because we had to break it down, I worried she would get "loopy" and I wouldn't be able to manage her in the Georgia airport. 

I can only tell you I was HORRIFIED by what happened next...... I will hope to post pictures about it tomorrow but for now, I am going to try to get some sleep. I am so tired that I fell asleep during choir practice today after church. If that doesn't let you know how tired I am, nothing will.

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