
Friday, December 21, 2012

Princess 4 Dancing Queen - Thanks to YOU Photo Santa!

I have so much to catch up on with pictures. I am planning on going back and adding photos to past posts that pertain so I hope that as you read this, you scroll back a week or so to catch up on the fun photos we missed while I wasn't able to post pictures. 

I shared that I was going to just do the monthly photo hosting by picasa and when I went to load a photos so it would kick me out and I could then subscribe to the monthly post, the photos uploaded.

This confused me but the photos I uploaded yesterday were emailed so I thought they were smaller pixels and that is why they posted. However, today when I brought in my wallet to once again subscribe, I was shocked to have my photos post. I can only guess that someone paid the fees in my behalf. 

So, to the photo Santa, whomever you are, I want to thank you for your donation to my blog. I don't know who you are, but THANK YOU! 
Princess number four has been very busy dancing and every time she has such a big smile on her face, I know she just loves dancing. 

In the past three weeks, she has had lots of opportunities to dance. She has had two dance competitions and lots of games. 
She once again did well in the drill down. She should have won according to the video but for some reason, the callers get themselves confused so she took the silver metal but she, like her sisters, takes orders well. :-) 

I was very grateful when walking in, I found thirteen cents on the grass and when I went out for our lunch, found a penny near the car. Then, when sitting in the competition, they do little contests and they played a song for the first contest of the day, I won the first prize guessing the song as the theme song to "Gilligans Island." 

The funny thing was, I won a bracelet. Guess what the bracelet said? Joy, which happens to be my middle name. 

I thought since I was having a stressful day and week, that I was being reminded to "trust in Him" and appreciated the reminder to "Have Joy" in my life. It did remind me to have Joy. 
Princess 2 and 3 were both home this weekend and it was nice to have them there supporting Princess 4 at the competition, that hasn't happened in awhile. 

I really enjoy taking photos of people in motion. It isn't only my kids. It is interesting that most of my favorite photos involve motion. For some reason I am not really big into taking photos of stills but perhaps that is because I have a hard time being still myself. :-)
I really like this photo of Princess 4 in motion as her face is the only thing in focus.  She is in four different dances for competition but is usually around others so it is hard to get her in focus as all those people near her make her blurry. 

These are some of my favorite photos from the past few weeks. 

Thanks again Photo Santa!           

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