
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

First Date for Princess Number 4 - Prom

I got a call this week. It wasn't a call I was expecting just yet. It was from a family in town whose son wanted to ask Princess 4 to prom. 

My daughter hasn't been old enough to date according to our families rules. She actually isn't going to be old enough to date for a few more months. 

This boy wanted to ask her to prom. Prom isn't for 4 more months or so. I have never heard of anyone being asked to prom that early so it was a double shock for me to get that call this week. 

I did say he could ask her to prom but did tell him I didn't want any glitter or confetti in the room as we had a horrible experience about that in the past. I was assured he would use non invasive way to ask.

He texted before coming to make sure she was still at drill and had everything ready to go and only took a minute to put his creative and cute way to ask her on the bed. 

He put a sign in a little pool with lots of different rubber ducks with a sign saying "I'd be a lucky duck if you'd go to prom with me." and then she had to search through the ducks to find the one with his name on the bottom. 

You can see her raise her arm in a "yes!" motion when she saw that the "water" in the pool is "frootie" candy which she LOVES. So, she was very happy about the candy and her date.

We are in the process of thinking of a cute way to reply to him. 

There is a bit of debate going on about that with the girls all being home for Christmas, but hopefully we can all come to a consensus or Princess 4 can come up with something that she will feel good about. I'll keep you informed as to what she comes up with.

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