
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Service at the Food Bank

 Princess number four organized a service project at the food bank. She invited friends and kids from local schools to come to the food bank and sort food. 

Between planning and actually getting there, the food bank had many volunteers and when the kids arrived, they had no more food to sort. 

We ended up folding donated clothes on the shelf and someone donated five boxes of books and magazines and they were in boxes that were falling apart. 

The staff had been so busy they hadn't been able to get to that type of thing. 
We had the kids organize the magazines and books into groups so that clients can take them. 

We grouped them into children, men and women's groupings and condensed them so they looked nice and organized. We were able to get rid of all the boxes and just have a basket and the bookshelf. 

 While we were there, we got a tour and the staff worker "Tazz" took us around and allowed the kids to "shop" and to see what amount of food a small family would get and what a large family would get. 
They then weighed the food and were shocked at the small amount of food that a family would get for a month.

This is what a family would get for a month. Two small banana boxes of food. It is nice that with donations from local stores, they can fill up the boxes with more bakery items.
The tour and service were a great learning experience for the kids and they realized that the food bank does a great job for the community and they learned that they can impact and help others by doing service.  
She organized two speakers that talked about other places they can do service in the community. We had refreshments and played a few games to make the evening fun. 

It was a good learning experience for Princess number four to plan and execute a susuccessful service project. I have amazing children.          

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