
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Showing off her Clothes on the Looney Tune Quilt

I have shared in the past how Princess five has a collection of Looney Tune items. The last few days, I have been sharing some of the fun things that we have been able to put on her quilt.

Today, I just wanted to share some of the clothes the girls and I wore that are in some of the photos included. All but one of the outfits on the quilt we wore and there are some pillow squares that she had in her room but other than that, all the clothes on the quilt were actually worn by the girls and I.

I am sure I have other pictures of the girls in the clothes but since I never finished scanning all the their pictures, I don't have time to go through and find them in the boxes of stuff so I just posted some that I knew the "where abouts" of in our photos that are digital.

The overalls at the top are probably the "most famous" of the clothes. Princess number three was chosen to be in the dolphin show at Sea World when she was about five while we were on vacation. She was wearing those overalls in the photos at the show.

Flash forward five or so years. At the time, I had no idea what princess three wore when we went to Sea World. We are on vacation again at Sea World when Princess five gets asked to be in the dolphin show. 

It wasn't until we were looking at Princess three's photos that we realized that both girls were wearing the EXACT same outfit when they were chosen to be in the dolphin show at Sea World!
I think Princess five may want to be like her older sister... Not a bad thing but weird about the outfit. 

The "I have issues!" shirt was a joke shirt I bought and wore camping to make my sisters laugh. I still had it in my drawer but thought it would be fun to include it on the quilt. It is kind of a joke in our family to "have issues." 

Flipping through the few digital photos we have prior to 2005, I found Princess two wearing the jean Tweety overalls while getting a school award and included that picture
I also included the photos of our family dressed up in the Looney Tune costumes as I found it while looking for a few pictures of the girls wearing their "Tune" clothes and thought it was cute. I have kept busy over the years sewing costumes and quilts for the girls but it sure has been fun for them to have all the memories.

I think I may miss doing this type of thing when they are gone. I enjoy creating things for  the girls to enjoy. I'm sure I will have lots of grandchildren to create for soon enough. Wont that be an adventure?!

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