
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Princess Four - A Real Disney Princess

So, if I tell you that Princess four has a dream of becoming a Disney Princess, would you believe me? 

Yes, it is true, that is what she would like to do at some point in her life but for one night, she became a Disney Princess but I don't think it was what she expected it to be. 
I got a start, and did she, when we were picking up her friends to take them over to our house to go out trick-or-treating. We had to wait for them to get ready so we thought we would do a photo shoot at the house next door which was all decked out. 

They must have had 40 decorations in their yard. So, I told her to go sit by a grave where the plastic figure is laying on the ground. 
She no sooner sits when  the thing stands up and makes scary noises. We both screamed! It was so funny. I took the photo at the top as it happened. 

She went out with a few friends and I couldn't resist taking this cute shot of them as they went to their first door. I know some think someone in high school is too old to go but I figure they are only kids once and it is a fun, safe activity for them so I let them go.  

I do hope that the next castle Princess four ends up in is a bit brighter than this one she went through on Halloween. 

Princess five went to a friends dressed up like "Barbie" but ended up making doughnuts for the kids coming around and her friend made her this cute apron. After I picked her up in a neighboring town, she went to a few houses with Princess four. 

I made them take the traditional "after Halloween stash check" photo. They would always sit down and sort their candy after the night was over. When they were young, I would let them choose 20-30 pieces of candy and then put the rest in the candy jar so they would pick out their favorites and give the snack jar the one's they didn't like as much for later consumption. Giving them some of their own to eat whenever let them enjoy it but kept them from eating so much they made themselves sick.

As you can see by the "stash," they didn't go far. They mostly went to friends houses. I can't believe that photo of me as as Snow White was only taken  about 7 years ago. I guess stress will age you.

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