
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dis-Membered Ghost - Fun Activity for Kids

This fun activity has been used in our family for at least ten years if not more for every Halloween party we have ever done for small children. 

I was serving in the Cub Scouts many years ago and got two cases of manual that I am sure had never been gone through since they were first acquired. 

I decided to flip through them and see if I could pull out any fun activities and consolidate them into one book rather than two cases to pass on to the next person who took the job after me in that pack. 

I found this activity from the book dated October 1987 under "Fire Dectives" (yes, that is how it was spelled in the book) and under "Citizen"  in the title. 

I read the activity and thought it sounded fun so when I made my own files, while on bed rest with one of my pregnancies, I decided to include it in my "Halloween Party" idea section. (No, I am not kidding that I have a filing cabinet with ideas in it which has been used over and over through the years.) 
Here is the activity:

Have the group sit in a circle or in rows and give them each a paper towel or napkin to wipe their hands on. You can see in these pictures of princess four and five's class that they all have a paper towel. 

You can dim the lights in the room, and have a spooky sounds CD playing in the room while you read it. Or, you can have a dad with a deep voice read it or record it earlier and play it when ready. 

Tell the children that they can't tell anyone what they think it is the bag and that at the end, you will ask them all what is in each bag and they can guess what it is.

Here is the poem:

This is my ear
Once attached to my head.
Be careful! It can still hear
Everything that is said!
(dried apple or apricots)

These are my eyes
Once clear and sharp.
Don't lose the,
Or you'll be playing a harp!
(peeled cherry tomatoes or grapes)

These are my teeth
Once bright and strong.
Don't drop them, Or you won't have yours long!
(dried loose corn, pine nuts and shells on sunflower seeds)

This is my tongue
Once in my mouth tight.
Don't Pinch it, 
Or I'll come and haunt you tonight!
(piece of kitchen green scrubber soaked in liquid dish soap)
This is my hair,
Once flowing and free. 
Don't pull it, 
Or I'll scare you from your tree!
(corn silk, jute rope pulled into pieces and/or raffia)

This is my hand
Once strong and bold.
Feel it now,
It's icyyyy cold!
(rubber glove with frozen water in it)
This is my brain
Once clear and bright.
Don't squeeze it, 
Or you won't sleep tonight!
(Wet sponge)

These are my guts,
Don't let them fool you.
I still have enough left
To ghost and ghoul you!
(Wet cooked spaghetti)

I put everything in little plastic baggies that are sealed and don't put them into the paper bags until we are ready to have them "feel" the item, that way, the paper bags don't get soggy. Make sure to tell the kids NOT to squeeze the item. I had some grapes that lasted one child before they were mush. I keep the entire game in a gallon zipper bag with the poem and new sponges etc, so if I need it quickly, it is ready. I throw away the wet items and just keep the dry items in the bag. 

The children love it and usually guess what all the items are at the end of the game. Princess number five just walked in and I had the bag with the game next to me and she smiled and commented on how fun she thought the game was and how cool she was because she knew what the items in the bag were ahead of time. Funny the things they remember. 

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