
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Princesses Making Dolls and Dolls and Dolls

 The girls and I are working on a humanitarian charity project. We are sewing dolls to go in ambulances, in police cars for children in crisis, and, they also use them in hospitals when a child is going to have surgery to draw the procedure on the doll so the child can see exactly what the Dr. will do. 

A friend of mine cut the dolls out and I sewed them and the girls and I stuffed some but I had to pull out three more bags of stuffing and I still have a huge pile of dolls to finish sewing but I figure it will be a good project to work on this next few weeks. 

Princess number four has been working feverishly on making hats for baby's and small children to donate to the homeless and woman shelters and has done over 100 hours and is still going. She takes it with her when we go in the car etc. You can see the loom in the photo below her here as she had just finished another one. 

When we have the dolls sewn and stuffed, I'll take them to our local humanitarian center here that is open three times a week for volunteers to go in and work as they can. There, they will get the hair sewn on and the face painted and a little dress made. 

It is kinda silly but, when my friend was talking about what they use these little dolls for, I almost started crying remembering Princess number two taking an ambulance ride in a horrible snow storm and how scared she was and in pain, she was given a little blanket in the ambulance and clung to it so much at the hospital that they let her take it home with her. She still has that blanket today and I thought how much easier and nicer the situation would have been if they had a doll to give her. She was at the perfect age where that would have been a comfort to her. 

So, when they showed several of the projects available to work on at church on Sunday, that was the one that touched my heart to work on as I know how something like that can calm a child. Having worked the Emergency Room before, it would have been nice to have something like that to give to upset and distressed children. 

I have a load of other items that they said are needed I will take over tomorrow. It is nice to be able to clean out the house and help someone at the same time. It makes it easier to get rid of things when you know it will go to good use.

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