
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Heavy, Heavy Hangs, Over Thy Poor Head...... Princess 3 is 18

Princess number three is now 18. We have had a busy few months so I haven't been able to post this but we got her mostly things to get ready for college.

Several things were for her room. Other things were for the apartment, and others were for her car or just for fun. 

I figure every person away from home needs a Swiss army knife for those little projects. 

She got car seat covers for her car, it included back seat and a steering wheel cover in hot pink Hawaii print so she can't be missed.

She got some pizza stones which no teen should be without. Actually, I was joking but Princess number 2's favorite past time was inviting people over and making home made pizza at college so I figured I should include those. 

I think perhaps her favorite was the collection of Lord of the Ring collectors glasses I found at a storage unit sale still in the boxes. The Lord of the rings Trivia game was also a hit. 

I found the cutest little pan and spatula to make a single egg which I couldn't help getting as well.

I actually think it will fit two eggs just nicely and she was actually excited about it. 

In the end, she didn't take the collector glasses to college as she was worried they would get broken or lost somehow but she has them for when she moves out on her own. 

I took her to lunch today and gave her "The Hunger Games" dvd as she has been having a bit of a hard time getting used to working, being a student leader and getting all her classes and homework fit in. I told her that is quite normal and all her sisters had the same issues at first. I shared recently, that perhaps doing one project, taking a break to run to the store, visit with a roommate or friend and then taking on another task and then another break would help. 

She told me that worked for her and I was glad to get to spend some time with her today and took her things we missed or forgot when we moved her into her place. She looks good other than I think she has lost a few pounds. I am sure the stress of figuring it all out could do that. 

Overall, she is looking good and doing well. She loves her job and likes most of her classes. Her art class (of all classes) is giving her the most stress. Not the easy A she thought it would be but she is learning a few things and as she is artistic, perhaps that is the career for her..... Isn't that what college is all about? Figuring out what to do with the rest of your life? 

Happy Birthday Princess Number three. Glad it was a good one for you and know you will be great at whatever you attempt! I am so PROUD of you! ;-)

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