
Monday, July 30, 2012

Tee Pee's and Tractor Crossings

I laughed and laughed when my sweet exchange student and her group leader told me they wanted to visit a reservation to see tee pees. I explained that you would need to visit a tourist shop or a "Western Town" to find that. I then went to several places where I knew there used to be a tee pee so she could see one but they no longer had them. 
 Another day, she was visiting WalMart and asked me what "Ped Xing" was. I explained pedestrian crossing to her and then another day we were driving and she asked me what "Shoulder Work" meant on the sign. It was so cute to explain that to her. 

On one of our road trips, we passed this tractor crossing sign and took pictures of her with it and Princess number four wanted one as well. 

We were driving to one of our many destinations when we came across a tourist diner with tee pee's. I did a quick u-turn and got some photos with all the kids inside the tee pee. 

They then saw a spider and Princess number four jumped out very quickly. Still, I was glad I was able to show the exchange students a tee pee. 
It was a fun "Western" thing for them. Anything having to do with "western" movies has them really interested.

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