
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Snake Charmers! Road Trip

 We had a DAY today. I am so tired that I will just tell you this funny story and show you these pictures.

We went on a road trip starting early and at one point, we kept passing this same car. We took pictures of a buffelo hurd and he was doing the same. We kept playing "Tag" with our carsl

I look over at one point and I see him taking a photo of a snake reared up to strike. I literrally stopped the car when I saw this. We were near our destination but I have never seen a snake rear up like that unless it was striking. 

So, we see the guy pick up this snake and go back to his car. When I saw that, I figured he was ok. 

We go to the next overlook and we run into the man again. This is the third time now we've passed each other. 
I comment to him about his snake how much I liked it. I told him how I stopped the car in shock and he and his wife were quite laughed and they were very entertaining. 

We were leaving when he pulled out his snake and asked if any of the girls wanted to touch it. I asked if it were stuffed but it was freeze dried. I'd never hear of that method on animals. 

We took pictures with different princesses and the snake. Here are a few of our photos

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