
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

High on a Mountain Top - Fishing Fun

Today was a very busy day. We were up and out before six in the morning and we had gotten to bed late several time this week due to visitors etc. 

A friend offered to take the girls and I fishing so we made the trek and ended up having a wonderful day. Princess Number six caught the first and biggest trout of the day.

Right after that, Princess 5 and then four caught one getting smaller each time. We decided to stop trolling and drop an anchor and put lines in and we caught lots of Perch.

The girls obviously had fun as you can see the smiles on their faces. We had a student from Sweden that was visiting on exchange come with us and we really had some fun. 

I know Princess number 6 has been fishing before but not with three sister.... :-)

She was so cute sleeping in the car on the ride home using her new neck pillow she finished yesterday. I wish now that I had taken a picture of her sleeping in the car. So cute.

Here is a picture of all the fish we caught.  We didn't have time to eat it tonight but I am thinking how wonderful it will be. Nothing like fresh fish. 

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