
Monday, July 23, 2012

Bigger and Better - Fun Group Game

Twice over the past week, we have had kids come to the door playing "Bigger and Better" asking for a bigger and better item than what they have. The game is very simple. You start with a small item. 

You can play with one team or many. I've seen games start with a penny which usually ends up with people giving bigger sums of money. 

I've seen the game  start with food which usually ends up with people giving you bigger and better edible items. 

I have seen the game start with something like a shoe lace and once I ended up with an original framed piece of art and once they ended up with a tv.

We usually set up some rules before they play. No entering houses. If teams are playing, they need to make sure they go in opposite direction so they don't hit the same people twice.  

Most people generally like helping the kids out and sometimes the items they give are items you may like. This week we ended up with a game and a container of icing that expired in 2008. :-)

Our exchange student mentioned the other day how much she enjoyed my girls and their friends that they could have so much fun playing different games all the time and not having to drink to have a good time. 

We asked her if she would like to play "bigger and better" and she was so excited. We started with two small fridge magnets that you see at the top and the two groups of friends went in opposite directions and the girls asked Princess number 3's friend as she arrived and she ended up trading for a cute air freshener. I laughed and laughed when in the end, both groups ended up with a chair! They actually looked similar. 

A fun variation of this is to do a food drive or something at the same time. My eldest princess was here today and told of how she did a toilet paper drive for their local woman shelter where she worked. They would tell the people they needed something bigger and better and were collecting toilet paper for the shelter if they would like to donate. They ended up with 200 rolls of toilet paper to donate. 

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