
Friday, June 8, 2012

Today, Is a BYE kinda Day

Today, I am taking a Bye. The past two weeks I had the flooding, and a day or so ago, the tree in the back yard (see post about it here) decided to split in the wind. Two HUGE branches came off. They both were hanging requiring pulled and sawing to get them down. Without a chain saw, it has taken two days to get it mostly cut up and in the garbage but we still have two LARGE pieces that are the size of my 12 year old that the saw just won't cut. I need to have someone come with a chain saw. I couldn't get mine started. 

I have company coming in a few hours and have been up all night trying to put back the carpet and pad so they can get to the guest bathroom which required putting the hall carpet back. Then cleaning the best I could around that mess. 

The water softener mildewed so I had to take the entire thing apart scrubbing each part. Get the bathroom cleaned and wash sheets and do laundry. 

We found that the problem with the washer flooding was the load size switch. I didn't know that could cause such a problem but we can't use the large load or it will flood again. The repair man said he would get the part from the recycle place to save me some money. I scraped linoleum and laid the carpet back down in the laundry until I can find the time to buy and lay some tile. I did go looking but will have to find a way to fund the tile I like. 

We moved the garden beds today. I had the girls and two friends help me move that. It was lots of work and we only got the wood box and cattle guard fencing moved but not up. Tomorrow, they will help move the dirt.

So, I am taking a bye as I have never done that before. I need a few hours sleep before company arrives. 

If you don't know what a "BYE" is, here is a link to Wikipedia's explanation.  

I hope your summer is going better than mine!  :-)

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