
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pennies From Heaven - New Theme Song

I am hoping this will post ok. I figure if I used a picture they were already hosting, it would allow me to post since the storage is already there. 

I was going to post this months ago as someone told me they heard my new "theme song" on the radio and told me to look it up on youtube. So, I went and looked it up and then had to search for the words. It sure is my theme song! 

Here is a link to Billie Holiday singing it. It is called, "Pennies From Heaven.""

Here are the words:

"If every time it rains, it rains, pennies from heaven (Shubby Dobby)Don’t you know each cloud contains pennies from heaven (Shubby Dobby)You’ll find your fortune falling all over town Each red and yella umbrella is up up up up upside down and...Trade them all for a pack of a gum, sunshine and ravioli (Macaroni)If you want the thing you love, you must have a pizzioli baby And when you hear thunder don’t run under a tree It be pennies from heaven, for you and for me Now come over here boy, Sam And every time it rains it rains And don’t you know each cloud contains Every time it rains, it rains And don’t you know each cloud contains You find your fortune falling All over town, all over town, all over town Each red and yella umbrella Is upside down twiddily bop A ha ba hozzie white Eagle eye la homba leeZombalomba zompolot Old wodilly boy ohAhhh bobba hoy boy Ohhhh boy a hoy boy Toddaly whoa, OOOOH!I knew I’d get ya I knew I’d get ya Let’s go, let’s go And you’ll find your fortune falling all over town It be pennies from heaven Pennies from heaven The pennies from heaven For you and me."

Please be patient with me as I try to figure out the new web page. It is a hugely busy time for me with the flooding, summer starting and court coming up. I hope I can figure out how to make the web page quickly and move this all over easily. I had a wonderful friend Jay (yes, I have posted about him several times and here is a link to his famous french toast) who always finds the information when I need it. Thanks for your help today Jay! You are an angel in my life and I know God had a hand in sending you. 

Please send prayers that I can figure it out quickly. I really have lots on my plate and the kids right now and figuring out a new web page wasn't on the "to do now" list.

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