
Monday, June 25, 2012

Best Guess Cure of Morgellans Disease - Part 1

I am going to post this information as I have it typed up for Princess number two missionary in Taiwan anyway. She has been doing some of these things with good reports but I worry she is just keeping them down and not curing it so this is what I sent her in a package this week. If you need more information, search Morgellans, and bug bites on my search at the bottom and bring up the other posts I have on this issue for more information. 

This information is just what I have researched calling different specialists in several areas and putting that all together, this is the list of stuff I sent and the instructions to my sick princess. If you know of someone suffering from ANY parasite, this would be my best guess for helping it along with the Colonix cleanse I wrote about on this post (click here). I have run into so many missionaries that have gotten sick with parasites of different types and have come home only to be sick for years, if not life, that I think I will post this for all parasites and pray it helps many. 

Copper helps with parasites. That is why arthritis sufferers get relief when they wear copper jewelry. One type of arthritis is parasites in the synovial. So, that is why I went with copper. However. This is a WARNING!!!! Any liquid metal can be toxic in large particles. Make sure your source is small particles. The company I went with after calling many is called "Water Oz" out of Idaho. Here is a link to their site. Cindy was very helpful and spent almost a full hour with me on the phone. They have a 1800-547-2294 number. 

Liquid Silver - I have used Solutions I E company for years. The stuff saved my mom in the ICU when the Dr's gave up. It is smaller particles as well. You can turn blue from bad colloidal silver and I am sure you can turn copper from bad colloidal copper. ONLY USE TRUSTED COMPANIES and don't try to make your own!!!! You would hate to turn someone silver for life. Here is a link to their site.

Thieves oil - Young Living Oils in Lehi, Utah. Contact me as they are an MLM. Or, use the bug oil I posted about here. Click here for that post.

Liquid Minerals - The type I use is from Marine Minerals. Here is a link to their site.  

Most of the other items I list in this email to her are items you can get at any health food store. Diatomaceous earth you can get at IFA, or any orchard supply place. Some food storage places use it to put in their grain to kill off weevil and other bugs in the grain. Try to get food grade and you can have the person take a tsp full in a glass of water daily to prevent them from getting any more bugs. It will only kill off the parasites in the digestive tract, not in organs. It works as it has sharp edges and slices the bugs open and they die of dehydration. It just feels like talc powder to us. I sent this with several friends missionaries and as long as they have taken it daily works to prevent parasites as it kills off any parasites that get in. It is when they stop, the parasites set up, get into the organs and tissue so when they start taking it again, it doesn't keep them safe because the parasites are no longer in the digestive tract. It has to be taken daily to keep them out.You can order this online from several places. One place in Canada had these pictures and some good information. Here is a link to them.

Here is my information sent to her:

Copper and Zinc - Both kill parasites, bacteria etc. I sent you colloidal nano-particle copper and zinc. You need to spray those two things at the same time. 1 spray of copper to 4 or 5 sprays of zinc. That will keep your body in balance. So when you wake up,  Don't ever mix the copper and silver together as it makes them not work as they bind together so spray with copper and zinc in the morning and then I sent a little timer. Set it for 1 hour. Spray with 10 sprays silver for the next hour. Set the timer again. Spray with copper and zinc the next hour, then set it again and spray with silver. Etc while you are awake. However, in the morning, since you won't have taken any copper all night, do double sprays for the first dose

Diatomaceous Earth - Sprinkle this on your mattress. After showering, put this on your body like a body powder. If anything is crawling out of those sores, they will get sliced open by the rough surface of the powder. You can dust the inside of your clothes with this as well if you think that is how they are spreading. Even if you put some onto a dryer sheet and placed it in the dryer with your clothes. Some of the sites say to use "Bounce" dryer sheets because they have an oil from Brazil on them that repel bugs anyway. I had a box to send but it was the one thing I felt to take out of the box for some reason worrying about customs. If you can buy some there, rub them on your legs as a repellant. If it irritates you, then pin them to the inside of your skirt lining or slip or something and put some under your sheets on the mattress as well if you think that would help. You could also pour some of the powder into nylons or socks and wear them as often as you can to see if it helps clear up the sores. My other thought is spread some onto band-aids or bandages and put them over the sores or "bites" when they start to show up. See if the powder, keeps the puss down and keeps them from spreading. When they are on your arms, buy some baby socks, cut off the toes, sprinkle some diatomaceous earth the sock and wear it on your arms like an arm band over the sore until it is gone. Always wash it between usings and put a good coating of powder in it.

Silver - Colloidal silver or nano particle sliver. Take the ten sprays of the 175 ppm under your tongue every other hour between the copper and zinc sprays. If you need to make a paste out of the Diatomaceous earth, you can spray some of the silver onto it. Try putting that on a band-aid over the sore. I would try this option to see which item works best. Cover one sore with a paste made from the powder mixed with silver on a band-aid. On another, try the powder mixed with copper. On another, try the powder on a sore mixed with thieves oil, try another with tea tree oil. See which gives you the best results and keeps it from scaring the most. Lavender oil and tea tree mixed might be a good option to keep it from scaring.

The Sun powder Laundry Detergent with color safe bleach and Alfalfa pills. - I talked with a biochemist this week. He suggested (before I told him about the soap and alfalfa pills) that to combat your skin sores, you go to a farmers store there and buy a small amount of Copper Sulfate. Get some bleach and some vinegar. Mix 3 tsp bleach, with 6 tsp vinegar and 1 tsp Copper Sulfate in a bath. He said that it changes the PH of the water and will kill anything on your skin. He said it may turn you a bit green and you need to be careful about the bleach as it can become a gas when you first add the hot water. So, I then told him about the woman with the Sun detergent and alfalfa pills saying it got all the little things to come out of her skin and he said, "Yes, that would change the PH of the water enough to do the same thing." So, I thought it was interesting that I got a witness from two people saying that the PH of water would help. I know you said finding a tub would be hard but I think if you get the largest bucket you can and soak the affected parts for now, it could help. I would put a tsp of soap in a large bucket with 5 alfalfa tables or so. Let them dissolve and then soak the feet while you read or something as long as you can stand it, that would probably be good.

Alfalfa pills - Also take some of the alfalfa pills by mouth probably three or four a day or more as this will help your PH become closer to alkaline than the acidic way it is, which helps parasites live.

To be continued.... 

UPDATE- Look into Six Feathers Formula Black Salve Indian remedy. Some claim it has helped them cure their Morgellans!

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