
Monday, May 14, 2012

Fun and Easy Game Any Time or Place with Two Coins


This game didn't have a name but we call it the "Heads and Tails" game. The only thing you need to play this game is two coins. I am sure the game was made up by some person (probably a man as most woman take stuff for kids and have things in their purse for children to play with.) who probably had some children who were board and all they had in their pocket was some change.

My sister went to a party a few months ago where they played this game. When we were going camping and trying to decide what to do with the older children as the younger kids get to do an Easter egg hunt, we came up with this game.

My sister said it is quick to play, any age can play it and each round is fairly quick so everyone can play the next round again. We have had a problem with something like bingo where they win at the first round and then know they don't get another prize so they start playing another game which pulls kids from the original game.

To play, get everyone standing in a circle. You flip two coins. My sister and her husband were the "flippers" on the coins and you tell everyone before you flip the coins.

"Do you think the coins will be two heads, two tails, or one heads and one tails?"

Then each person makes a guess as to what they think the coins will be. If they guess "Two heads" they put both of their hands on their head.
If they guess "Two Tails" they put both hands on their back side. And, if they guess "one heads and one tails" they put one hand on their head and the other on their back side or "tail."

Those who guessed right, stay standing. Those who guessed wrong, sit down.

Once again, the flippers tell the players to make a choice of what they think the coins will be. Those who guessed right, get to stand and play, those who guessed wrong, sit down. It doesn't usually take more than four or five flips to eliminate most of the players.

Once you have one person standing, they are the winner for that round. You could have a bowl of chocolate bars and each time they win a round, they get to pick a bar. Or, you could just give them each a tootsie roll each time they guessed right. That would keep them getting a prize each time they guessed right.

How we did the prize thing was that we made gift bags with candy, trinkets and one larger item inside. We wanted them to get a prize and candy like the younger children do with the Easter egg hunt and number thing we do where they get to pick a bigger prize in order of the number inside their egg. Click here for that post.

Each person got to go and pick a gift bag in the order that they won. They could go back and play again for a candy treat but only got to pick one gift bag. 

There are many different things you could do for prizes. You could keep a big score sheet on the wall or held up and use a Sharpie to write their names and give a tally of each round they won and the person with the most tally marks at the end of specific time frame gets to pick first, the second gets to pick the second best prize etc. 

That way, the entire group is engaged the entire time you are playing. Those that won prizes first, lost interest after awhile but if you did the score sheet, and played for 15 minutes or 1/2 hour and the person with the most wins picks prizes first, they would all be staying and playing hoping to get the prize they want.

Some suggestions for prizes I would share. Dollar store prizes are great. Pick prizes for all sexes and ages. Large candy bars or theater size candy boxes are great.

You can make prizes, you can have everyone that comes bring a $1 to $5 prize that way no one has to buy them. That makes it hard sometimes when you have young children to adults playing. We had age 5 to 28 playing. They all had fun and joked when winning. They all seemed to like their prizes as well.

Something I have done for years is I keep a box or two of re-gifts that people have given the children something they already had or something. Also, when I find a good buy on something, I will buy several. I was at Kmart the other day and they had 2 pair of gloves for $.50, one fingerless and one full. I bought several as prizes. They had 2 pair of ankle socks for $.50 and I bought some as prizes.

The best source I have for prizes is yard sales or second hand stores. I don't shop second hand stores like most people I would guess. I go right for the game section and look for original packaging. I check the stores frequently and look in that section and in the craft section and if I need a frame, I will check that section. It doesn't take but a minute to check. I visit whenever I drive past one and run in for a second just to see if they have anything new. I buy most of my DVD and CD prizes there for $2 - $4 a CD or DVD. There are always new movies still wrapped.

The other source I use for prizes is the clearance center or shelves at WalMart or Kmart. When I have time, I will just quickly pass down the isle of the clearance section. If they have something under $3 I think many people would like, I will buy it. I try to stay clear of items that are specialty things or collection or items that will go out of style quickly. I like games as they are timeless. Puzzles are always great. I shop for the items all year and then store them in boxes and bins in my storage room and when the girls need a birthday present, they go through my prize boxes finding something they think their friend would like.

Just this weekend, Princess number three needed something. I wasn't home, she went down and found three things to put into a gift bag within minutes and was excited with the present. Many times the things I buy still have price tags on them for other stores and I got the item for 1/2 down to 1/10 of the price of the original item. It is new and still wrapped. No one knows and I have saved myself money and then can donate prizes to family reunions or Christmas parties or our camping traditions.

I have been blessed to be able to make the family events fun on my limited income. Heavenly Father truly blesses me.

This picture is all stuff I got this weekend while out of town. I shopped Kmart clearance and two second hand stores in different cities. All of these items are new and will be used for prizes. I also got some new items I will be using for gifts for my girls so I didn't post those. Just know that I didn't spend more than $4 on any item and that was only on one item. Most items were $1.50 or less.

I told Princess how many new things I got and she told me that was because it was the end of the year and all the students graduating from college donate their stuff to the second hand stores when moving to take their jobs. I hadn't thought of that but they said the married students with children also donate because they don't want to have to pay to move the kids toys, beds etc so they told me they and their friends all know to check out the second hand stores the week of graduation. They also know that there won't be anything at those stores in September when school is back in session.

I thought I would share that information so you can possibly use it or share the information with a college student you may know. They should go looking for desks for fall now!

Have fun playing "Heads and Tails!"

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