
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wisdom Teeth, Braces or Teething Pain, and Pulling Teeth

Pulling out teeth at my house isn't a big deal due to one of our favorite essential oils. I have talked in other posts about using essential oils and I have used Tea Tree or Melaleuca Tree oil for at least 20 years now. I use this oil so often that I keep a small bottle in my purse. I have used it when neighbor kids have gotten burns on their hands while I was visiting, or when people called asking what to do for burns. I have used it on teething babies and my favorite use is for teeth pain or pulling teeth.

I was at my sisters house a few years ago and her son was crying and crying about a loose front tooth. My sister actually ties a string around the tooth and that has worked for them in the past. I usually just use a bottle of Tea Tree oil. You can purchase a 2 oz bottle at WalMart for $8. That size bottle will last you a long time. Take a q-tip or cotton tipped swab and pour a little of the Tea Tree oil on the tip. Then use the tip to rub the gums and base of the teeth with the Tea Tree Oil. Let it soak in for a minute or so. Then, take a tissue and dry off the tooth.

Get a clean, dry tissue, grab the loose tooth, twist it and pull down at the same time. The child will not even know the tooth is out most of the time because the Tea Tree is a natural antiseptic, analgesic on the tooth. It keeps bacteria from growing. Have the child swish a drop of oil in their mouth or you can touch the spot with the q-tip to stop the area from bleeding. Never put the q-tip or swab in the bottle or it can contaminate the bottle. Always just pour a little on the tip over the sink.

You can take a 2 x 2 gauze or a paper towel and put a few drops of the oil on it and have the child bite down on it giving the area pressure and it will kill any pain and any bacteria as well as the pressure stopping any bleeding.

My nephew was beside himself and crying not wanting me to pull his tooth. My sister was upset because he was in pain. I used the oil I had in my purse, numbed it and had the tooth out very quickly. I took pictures so I could show him after. I don't have many pictures of my kids teeth being pulled because it wasn't a big deal.

When the older girls had their wisdom teeth, I put some oil on gauze and had them bite down on it for at least the first day and then any time it hurt after that. It kept the site clean and numbed the pain and kept the swelling down.

Princess number two had a horrible experience and we learned something for Princess number three. Princess number two had her wisdom teeth dug out with a chisel. The Dr. went so deep that it caused scabs down both sides of her mouth and it ended up looking like she was a "Dummy" puppet with a hinged mouth. If you think you are having a bad day, watch this video and you will realize your day isn't so bad. It will make you laugh.

For Princess number 3, we had them use a drill and grind the teeth out as all the girls have impacted wisdom teeth. She was so much better than number 2. However, with both girls, even as bad as the work was, neither girl got dry socket, had any infection or had to take anything stronger than a Tylenol for pain as long as they kept up the Tea Tree oil.

You can ask your dentist or Oral Surgeon for extra gauze when you are there. If your child has had the dentist pull a tooth, you can do the same with the gauze and have them bite down on it as soon as you leave the office. I just dropped some oil on the gauze and they have immediate relief. If you aren't into giving your children pain killers, this is a safe, natural way to help the wound heal. My children have learned to like the smell of Tea Tree as they know how it has healed them all from the time they were babies.

All of the Princesses so far have had braces. When they tighten the braces or put them on, the girls have pain. I put a drop or two of Tea Tree oil in their mouth and have them swish it until the pain is gone. Works wonders just before they eat.

The last way we use Tea Tree oil in the mouth is for teething pain. When my eldest was a baby, she would carry the bottle to me and hand it to me when her two year molars were coming in. I would wash my hands, put a few drops on my finger and then rub it on her gums over the swollen area where the new tooth was coming in.

I have shared many times with friends and family when they had a baby crying from teething pain and they always go out and buy a bottle for themselves after one use. There isn't anything better for wisdom teeth, teething pain, or pulling a tooth. I've used it on cuts and bee stings but our other favorite use is on burns as well but that's been shared on another post. Link here for that information.

One more thing. To keep the swelling down, you can fill baggies with ice and place them in socks and tie or pin the socks together making a ring which you can then place over the swollen mouth or cheeks. It isn't the prettiest thing but sure works to keep the ice in the right spot. The ice packs weren't staying in place before we used the socks. 

I am adding a link to more posts where I mention the same oil and other oils and how we use them. I wouldn't live without any of them! Here is it. 

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