
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It Was Worth The Risk

My youngest Princess LOVES games. For Christmas, Santa brought lots of games we haven't played before as a family so she could try some new games. One of the games was "Risk." I haven't played Risk for over 25 years.

When I was growing up, my brothers and sister and I would play this game for weeks on end. We would keep the games going forever. I remember watching MASH after the news and playing late into the night with them. With those fond memories of playing it those many years ago, when I saw a "Risk" game for sale, I had to get it.

It had been so long that I didn't remember much other than you roll the dice to "battle" your opponent for land. I didn't even remember how the dice thing worked. It I am embarrassed to say that I lost and was the only player wiped off the board. We had to set a time limit as I know the game can go on and on.

Actually, it took us a few minutes the other day to read all the instruction and figure out how to set it up and we also found ourselves doing a few things wrong as we went but by the end, I think we figured it out.

Princess number 3 that has never played the game before in her life won. All the girls did well. If we kept playing, I think it would have been any one's game.

When we finished playing, I asked the girls if they thought we should keep the game or get rid of it as I am trying to clean the house of things we aren't using. They all said it was a keeper. I guess some games are timeless.

The next night, we played Monopoly. I had to get a new game, somehow, ours disappeared. Perhaps one of the older princesses took it to college. So, we opened a new game. I did miss our old one as the money was difficult to count out being new.

We also have a VERY difficult puzzle out but I was the only one that worked on it last weekend. It has been out over a week now and no one has worked on it as we have been so busy. I did all the easy stuff and now it is really hard as it is a collage of little pictures put into a bigger picture. I think the only puzzle we didn't finish was a "Pooh" one like this and now after working on this "Peanuts" one, I remember why we didn't finish the other. They are difficult puzzles. I don't know if we will finish it but I think I will leave it up for one more weekend and see where it is next week.

Take the Risk, and play Risk with your family. It really was fun and is a classic.

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