
Monday, February 6, 2012

Head Over Heels, Literally

I haven't been "head over heels" for anything in a long time. I was "head over heels" this weekend when watching my girls in Princess number 3's last dance competition, (probably) of her life.

I had mixed emotions watching them perform but in all honesty, it was the best I have ever seen them dance. They were tight, beautiful and I will post some of the fun photos tomorrow. I know you are probably tired of dance and wedding pictures and let me tell you I am tired of taking them but as long as my girls are doing things worthy of taking photos, I'll be front and center with a camera.

The competitions get more heated every year. I remember when Princess number one was competing. They had just started doing head stands, and that wasn't that long ago. Now, they do head stands for long times. They do different leg actions, up and down, bent, pointed, one up, one down, and a few years ago, they started spinning on their heads while in the head stand.

So, I thought I would show off the girls form. Princess number 3 spins while doing leg actions, ending in the splits in the air while on her head doing a 180 degree turn. You can see Princess number 4 behind her doing different actions as well.

In this photo, you can see how straight they both are as one is right behind the other. You can see the angle as they get started to go into the head stand in the other photo.

So, be patient with me for the next few days as I finish up posting about the events of the last competition of her career and the other events of the week which were wonderful as we had some long time friends visit after 7 years.

Even if no one is reading this, it is still worth doing it for the girls to have. I catch them reading the posts sometimes with smiles on their faces. What mom could want more than that? I also hope it brings a smile to your face sometimes.

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