
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

An Artist of my Dreams - Liz Lemon Swindle

There are two living artists whose work I love. Both have many painting depicting Christ. One is Simon Dewey and the other is Liz Lemon Swindle. I also love the work of Carl Bloch whose work has passed the test of time and still can bring tears to your eyes after 100 years.

This weekend, I met an artist of my dreams, Liz Lemon Swindle. I went to a conference in Las Vegas with a few friends and she was presenting at the conference. I wanted to attend her class first but my friends went into another presenter before I talked with them, as I had an errand to run. I had talked them into going to the conference and didn't want to leave them alone for the first presentation so I decided I could go to her second presentation. I don't think it would have mattered which one I attended and only mention the above so you will know how excited I was. She was one of the main reasons I chose to attend the conference.

I was so impressed when, at the end or her beautiful presentation, she mentioned a project she was working on to help every home have a picture of Christ. She brought cases of prints with her and said, "Please take one for you and 5 to give to others." I went up after and spoke with her asking if it were OK to put the photo up on my blog, to get her to sign it, and allow me to take a picture. She said, "Yes" all around and so I had someone take a picture for me. I am sad they didn't notice the glare on the print but was glad I got a picture with one of my hero's.

I then asked her if she would mind signing another one for one of the other presenters as one of my "five" to give away. I got her to sign it and I ran it back to the room were the first presenter was and I gave the picture to her.

I would write more about that but I will write about that class tomorrow as it touched my life.

I have several paintings by Liz lemon Swindle in my home already. I appreciate how she makes everything so real life. If you stand back from her painting a few feet, it looks like a photograph. When I returned home with my signed print, my eldest daughter said, "Oh, that is my favorite, can I please frame it and take it to college with me in the fall?" I think that would count as another house and how wonderful that my princess wants a picture of Christ in her room at College. What a wonderful thing they have done making those prints available to everyone.

The other thing I got to speak to the artist about, was how every painting I have ever found of Christ washing some one's feet, the feet of the person are beautiful and look like they wear socks and shoes daily. I shared with her how I did pedicures in Peru the two years I went and the people wear sandals or no shoes, their nails are broken, damaged, bruised or missing and they don't have nail clippers. They have cracks, fungus, parasites and open wounds on their feet and they are dirty even after being washed. I told her how I wish I could paint that or that someone else would. I hope she does take that on. I could only dream of painting something so well. Here is a link to my "Pedicures in Peru" post.

Today, I framed the beautiful picture of the Savior that she gave me and signed. It is now hanging in my front living room wall with many of my other favorite paintings of Christ. I feel so blessed to have met such an amazing woman with such wonderful talents. I feel so grateful for those who helped make her dream of putting a picture of Christ in every home so I could have it and already share one with another and have Princess number 3 take one with her to college.

I have Christ's life depicted on my coffee table in my living room and some of her work is also on that. Click here to link to that post. If you would like to see more of her amazing work, click here to go to her website.

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