
Monday, January 2, 2012

Puzzling Looney Tunes New Year

This New Years Day and Eve were unlike any other I have probably ever had. New Years Eve started with a few friends having slept over. Then, Princess number 5 asked to go to some hot springs with one friend. Of course I said "yes" as she had never been to those hot springs before.

Then, Princess Number 4 asked if she could go Shooting. Funny thing was that Princess number 3 had gone shooting the day before on a day long date. She has a bruise on her shoulder to prove it. She said she is an awesome shot at shooting skeet!

I told Princess number 4 to have fun. Then, Princess number 5 arrived home wet and smelly from the hot pots, showered and asked to go to a friends party for awhile. Off she went.

Princess number 4 arrived home to ask if she could go ATVing with some friends. Being the good mother I am, I made sure they all had helmets and told her to ride with the best rider and asked where they were headed in case they didn't arrive home. Off she went.

Princess number 3 asked if she could have friends over to watch movies and play games. I told her that was wonderful! However, I did ask her to take bins up so I could take down the Christmas decorations to get ready for the open house we will be having next week.

Princess number 3's friends arrived and Princess Number 4 also arrived with 5 or 6 friends in tow. They watched movies for a few minutes and then decided to go to a dance. The whole crowd left leaving me alone for the first time on New Years Eve in years. Guess what I did? I so wanted to take a long bath but instead, I cleaned all the light fixtures, dusted for cobwebs, cleaned the decorative mirrors and took down all the Christmas decorations and put them away. Just before midnight, I got a call from Princess number 5 asking me to pick her up and Princess number 4 informed me that she was in the wild with people making dry ice bombs.

Not so cool with that scene, she wasn't sure what to do. I chatted with her and they all decided to come here. Princess number 3 showed up with some friends and we ended up with a house full of kids until about 4 a.m. I made quesadillas for everyone letting them pick from the 6 hot sauce collection I got for Christmas. So, we ended up trying all six flavors and enjoying some spicy new year cuisine. They played games while Princess number 5 painted her nails and we cuddled on my bed.

Princess number 4 joined us and then Princess number 5 couldn't stay awake and went to bed.

Of course, one of the friends had a bit of car trouble when leaving for a minute but all in all, it was a great night.

For New Years day, we attended church and then I did some home visits and we enjoyed some yummy turkey dinner and then put together a puzzle that Princess number 5 got for Christmas from Princess Number 1. It is 1000 pieces of collection Looney Tunes. We watched, "I am David" which once again brought a tear to my eye, along with a few other good Sabbath movies while we worked on the puzzle. As you can see above, Princess number 3 couldn't take the late night and fell asleep but was in good company as I think Princess number 4 took a nap while I was going visiting.

I have a hard time stopping once I start something as you maybe can tell so I had to be pulled off the table and sent to bed by Princess number 5 who, didn't want me to finish the puzzle without her.

Today is the last day of Christmas break and I am sure we will get it finished today. How lucky there isn't that much left. With help, I am sure it will be done and cleaned up tomorrow.

What a busy, yet fun Christmas and New Year Holiday we have had.

I hope yours was just as wonderful yet maybe not so Looney!

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