
Monday, January 16, 2012

National Anthem Princess Duet

So, I was up all night trying over and over to get the video to load. Shutting off all the wi-fi trying to get it fast enough to load the 1:14 second video. I tried today and that is why the post was late. I couldn't get it to load. I will need to use someone elses faster internet to upload it. That makes me sad but at least there is a picture. :-) I am trying to load it directly to youtube and if that works, I will post a link.

YEA! Here is the link to youtube: Girls singing the national anthem during a competition.

Princess Three and Princess Four were asked by a coach if they would sing the National Anthem at a game a week or two ago. The coach heard the girls sing in church with our family once or twice and thought they could do it. The girls have never sung together before at home or in public before being asked. They have only sung in church with our family and that is even limited. We do go and sing at the local nursing home but the girls haven't sung alone there either.

They were very nervouse but they sang beautifuly. However, they didn't tell me they would be facing the other side of the gym so I video taped the back of their heads. So, I didn't want to post that even though they sounded beautiful.

This weekend they were asked to sing before a large competition with schools from all over the state. This time I asked them to make sure to tell me which side of the gym they would be facing. Armed with that information, I took video that I could upload. Even thought I do have HD video, I can't upload it with my limited internet but I am excited to have this other video and pray it uploads as the girls are amazing. They have both been a little sick, having gotten what I got at the wedding a few weeks ago, but, even with that, they were mostly right on other than one note. Considering this was the second time they have sung together, they were AMAZING!

I am in recovery mode so I will just post this. It has been a VERY LONG two months and I am looking forward to some down time I hope. I would like to do something that is not related to a wedding. :-)

I will tell you that the open house was beautiful and let you know more tomorrow.

Turn up the volume and enjoy the show!

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