
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dancing Princesses - Some Fun Photos

The girls have already had a few dance competitions this year. They had one this weekend as I posted about them signing the national anthem. Several friends commented on how beautiful they sounded. I was proud of them for making that choice even though they were nervous.

Both Princesses did well in drill down. There were probably over two hundred girls doing the drill down and Princess number 4 took fifth place and Princess number 3 took second place. What can I say.... they take orders and follow directions well. :-)

The girls are both in four dances. They had a few mishaps with flying flowers and both had a hard time holding their head stands as they like to have their legs straight up but they were told to not have them up so straight so they are trying to fold at the waist but it puts them off balance. What can I say... They like being straight up!

The dances are in categories.

In Military, they can't do dance moves and have to do kicks and rigid movements and can't have a "theme" and to get anywhere, the entire team needs to be able to do head stands and if someone falls out, they get docked points. The last year, they have started to have the girls move in their head stands. Several of the girls do a complete circle while on their heads.

They have a dance drill which can have a theme, the more technical the dance, the more girls that do the technical move, the better the score.

Hip hop has been around for many years but it is getting more popular and competitive. However, my eldest Princess still maintains that most white girls can't hop. The moves get a bit more technical each year but this seems to be one of the girls favorite dances.

Character can be anything from Barbie, I dream of Genie, Raggedy Ann, to ethnic dancing. This year, we watched 5 oriental dances. Our girls were one of them. There were several Barbie, and one of my favorites was a slumber party one with bubble gum. Sounds weird but it was creative. Usually, the more out of the box, the better the score.

Then, while the judges tally the scores, they have a "drill down" where they call out military moves. "Right face, about face, march, etc" and as the girls mess up on the instructions, they drop out. For some reason, my girls are very good at following instructions. Princess number one took first place many times at many competitions. Princess 3 and 4 both have done very well. Usually in the top ten or so. Princess number two wasn't dancing in school as much and went to a different school for the arts in another city.

The scores are read aloud and teams collect their trophies and then there is a sweepstakes for the team that got the highest scores of the day.

That is dance competition in a nutshell for those who are newbies to the sport. Prince number one went and sat all day through his first dance competition. He read "Forest Gump" most of the day between dances and maintained quite well for his first time. Princess number one said it is payback for having to go to all his brothers football and basketball games. Princess number one and I took crocheting and got quite a lot done while sitting there all day.

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