
Friday, December 2, 2011

Who Needs Sleep?

I was up all night last night due to some paper work that I needed to get done. I had a few hours of sleep during the morning and was up and working hard on wedding stuff. I baked three turkeys together which made a huge mess of my oven and took lots of time to clean. I also boiled the turkey down for soup and turkey salad. In between there, I went to watch Princess 3 and 4 dance at halftime.

After that, I went to a workshop where my dear friend has been painting all the doors for me. I took my dremel took and used it to distress the edges of some of the doors. It took almost an hour to do each door. That was masking =1 hour, painting ? hour and distressing = 1 hour times 13 doors. I didn't get to finish them all as I needed to get home and finish the turkey stuff.

I have two doors left that I want to distress but will have to do that later as one still needs the other side painted. I also have the four french doors but since two are metal, I don't want to distress them but think I will use paint to "highlight" the edges rather than sand them. Since some of the doors may have had lead paint on them I wore this beautiful mask. I was there until almost 2 a.m. and then worked on the the turkey soup stock and salad.

I will be so grateful for the holidays after the wedding. I want to sit and do nothing! OK, so that is a lie because if I did nothing I wouldn't be able to handle it as I have had to be so busy with kids and being single with not much help, there isn't much time to sit. I may have to try it......

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