
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Packing for Taiwan, Blessing of Life

This week has been so busy but I am grateful that it is with mostly wonderful things. I have a family member who's 2 nieces 13 and 15 were just killed being hit with a train and they lost another friend in the accident. I also spoke with my friend Nancy today and her daughter lost a friend who was broad sided by a truck as she pulled out in front of it without seeing the truck. She was a senior in high school.

It is times like these that make me grateful for the trials in my life. I may have difficult situations and people in my life who are a challenge at times but I would much rather have my trials than those of the families who have lost children this week.

Sometimes I worry sending my daughters off to all parts of the world to do service but as we have been several times to Peru and one went to Africa and another to the Philippines and now one to Taiwan, I realize with this weeks events that they are no safer on my street than they are across the world serving others.

We spent time today packing and getting things needed that are on the packing list for her mission area of the world. We have piles all over the basement as we get ready to start squeezing everything into small spaces to fit it all into the limited luggage space and to fit within the weight requirements.

Today marks a week before she leaves. It has gone so quickly and I know I am going miss her extremely much as I am now used to having Princess one or two living with me since November. I have LOVED having them home and working on different projects and scanning pictures and many other things we have done together over these past few months.

Princess number one called me tonight to tell me she had been in a car accident. I expressed how grateful I was that she was ok and we got the insurance information for the cars.

She called me back later to tell me that I have been a great example to her about not getting upset about things. I was taken back a bit but had to admit that because of all the trials I have had over the past few years dealing with many floods, bugs, court/divorce, health issues etc that I have really learned to take trials with a bit more grace. I thanked her for calling me back and sharing that and I am grateful that my trials this week are so much less than those other families who have had such great loss.

Our prayers go out to those families.... I hope yours do as well.

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