
Friday, August 26, 2011

Paws on the Claws - Back to School

The girls have been getting ready all week to go back to school. We have been all over the state and it is going to be nice having a schedule again. It is especially nice for me having a driver in the house. I have never had someone take the kids to school on a regular basis since the oldest two girls didn't get their drivers licenses until they moved out.

I love having a driver in the house. She loves to go and pick things up and drop things off and this morning, I didn't have to take the girls to school! It was wonderful.

Princess number 3 is full of school pride being Student Body President now so she asked me to make paw prints on her nails for the first day. I tried several types of things to make the right shape for the dots and paws and this is what worked for me.

I took round toothpicks and Q-tips and cut them in half using large scissors. I then to a metal nail file and filed the cut ends flat. On the Q-tip, you can squeeze the sides together making it more oval than round if you are looking for an oval shape for whatever you are painting on the fingernail.

I took a drop of nail polish and dropped it onto the top of the nail polish jar and then screwed the lid back on. I dipped the now flat end of the Q-tip or round toothpick into the polish and made the large dot for the palm part of the paw.

I then took the pointed end of the toothpick and dipped it into the polish to make the smaller dots. When I want a little bit bigger dot, I just used the nail file and filed down the point until it reached the size I wanted.

When tole painting, I use the back of my brushes of all sizes for different sized dots. If I wanted larger circles, I would have cut a small dowel or a shish kabob skewer using the same technique of cutting it and sanding it round.

When I have the desired look, I wipe the excess polish of the glass polish bottle and there are not chances of spills. I have an old towel that just stays with the polish so we paint nails anywhere using the towel.

The girls each got a new shirt for the first day and we had a hair train going. I curled one girls hair while she straightened another sisters hair. It would have been a cute picture if I had thought of it.

The first day was fun for all and Princess number 3 got some great comments on her "Paw" printed nails. I used to be really creative but slacked off with all the creative Mylar shapes in polish available. Perhaps I will do some creative things and post about them.... Who knows with my crazy life what I will come up with or actually complete. I am sure when the girls are gone I will wish these days back. I am glad we all get along and enjoy spending time together. We are BLESSED!

I looked back at one of my posts looking for a specific book I thought I had posted on cute nails but enjoyed reading about giving pedicures in Peru instead. It was a great reminder to me of how blessed we are! Here is a link to that post in case you missed it. It is worth the read!

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