
Thursday, August 18, 2011

"I'm Movin Out" - Princess Number One

The last few days at our house have been a bit crazy as you can guess. I have been frustrated with the moving out bins in both halls and the moving in boxes, bags, and bins in several rooms and the garage. I am usually a stickler on not having anything in the halls as a nurse I have always had a thing for having a clear path in halls and from beds to doors in case of fire etc.

This week I had to give up that issue. The bins and boxes have been sorted and moved and Princess number one had to admit she has lots of stuff. :-) Princess number two probably has just as much so as one daughter gets most of her things out and organized the bins that were staying, Princess number two is going through her apartment items getting them all ready for long term storage to put where Princess number one just vacated spots.

We were blessed to be able to find everything Princess number one needs for her new place. We were also blessed to be able to fit it all into one large Suburban with her jewelry box as the only thing she wanted to take but will have to wait until next trip. We are hoping to be able to unload her stuff tomorrow as the other tenant is moving out so we pray by the time we make the drive, the place will empty and we can move in.

We do have some boxes of food and other items that we will have to pick up that we didn't take home with us thinking that she could use them from her sisters apartment when she moved out. We dropped them off on our way home at the beginning of the week.

As our days of being home all together come to a close, we are hoping to do a few fun things this weekend as we don't know when we will be together again as the eldest Princess will be in job training and dating and living in another city a few hours away.

I'll let you know how our fun plans go as they are somewhat subject to the moving schedule. I do have some concerts and a wedding scheduled and hopefully will get to enjoy a night with one of my best friends since high school. I'll let you know next week how it went.

We will miss Princess number one but will have a busy few months getting Princess number two ready to go to Taiwan. School starts next week and we are getting ready for that as well. Princess number three and Princess number four are getting things ready as they both hold student body offices. Princess number five is busy growing daily. Each morning I question if she grew during the night. I am thinking she may just end up being the tallest of them all.

As I loaded the car today the Billy Joel song, "I'm moving out" lyrics kept running through my head so I thought that would be a good blog post title today. I know Princess number one will be amazing at whatever she does. Her new place is just minutes from her new job, minutes from one of her best friends and cousin and close to her boyfriend. Who could ask for more. LOVE YOU PRINCESS!

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