
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Goo Goo Dolls in the Canyon

It has been years and years since I went to an outdoor concert in a canyon. I went often in high school but having moved a few times after that, I haven't had that opportunity again. Last weekend while I was driving to move Princess number 2 home, my car CD player stopped working for a moment.

I clicked on the radio seeing if I could get the CD player to work again and just at that moment, a radio DJ said, "You can win tickets to Goo Goo Dolls next weekend." I wasn't really interested in seeing them since I couldn't tell you what they sing so that didn't get me interested in calling into the show. However, after that he said, "You can also qualify to win a trip to Vegas for a family of four" that did it for me. I pulled out my phone and hit the radio contact in my phone to quickly dial.

I used to win often on that station but for some reason it doesn't come in as well in our small town now. It rang busy a few times and on the fourth call or so it started ringing. The DJ answered and told me I was the right caller and I would be going to the "Goo Goo Dolls" concert with "Michelle Branch" and "Parachute" as the opening acts. Right after I won, the cd player worked again.

I was so happy about that because I would have a chance at the Vegas trip. My older daughters had already been to see the "Goo Goo Dolls" in the past and my second daughter had already seen "Parachute" in concert so I thought I would take Princess number 3 as she loves "Parachute" and hadn't been to a concert with me so the plan was set.

We were able to stop in the city and pick up the tickets on our way up that same day so we didn't have to worry about how to get them.

We ended up missing the opening acts due to unseen issues moving Princess number 1 into her new place. While moving her in, we were putting up bookcases etc, my cell phone started its play-list and the first song on my play-list is "Iris" and I had no idea that it was sung by the "Goo Goo Dolls!" My second Princess said, "Oh, you get to hear that song tonight." I asked what she meant.

She then told me that the song was by the "Goo Goo Dolls." I couldn't believe it. My kids all laughed and laughed about that as I hear that song all the time. It goes off when my phone is sitting across the room. It is on the radio all the time. Just today, Princess number 2 was listening to Pandora in her room and it came on. Princess number 4 walked into the room while a few of us were having lunch and it was on her ipod. I laughed and she said how weird it was because she has 2000 songs on her ipod and it was on shuffle. It turned on twice on my phone by itself today. I also have to say that my daughter put the play-list on my phone for me so I didn't choose the songs on it, I just asked her to put things on that I would like.

I am not sure what message I am not getting but perhaps, "I don't want the world to see me!" Either way, they sounded great at the concert and we enjoyed that song especially. I did find that I recognized about 4 songs. It was a fun night.

Parachute did a parking lot concert after which thrilled Princess number 3 as the band walked right next to her on their way out. We heard Michelle Branch on our way up as we had a long walk.

The show was fun and Princess number 3 got a shirt and a "Parachute" CD to share with Princess number 2 who also loves them. I was impressed with the raw talent of the lead singer. He was amazing. The people we sat next to said that they were the best part of the show. I was sad we missed it but was grateful they did a parking lot show after.

Thanks to Heavenly Father, I was blessed to see the group that plays the song "Iris" I always hear (Click on it to hear the song) and I got to spend a lovely evening with Princess number 3.

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