
Monday, August 1, 2011

Do Over, Camera Mistake

I was out of town unexpectedly all last week. I had to do all my posts in one night. I was leaving the city today to come home after picking up Princess number 3 and taking her to her next adventure.

I hurried to pack the car knowing I still had a long drive to get home. I wanted to visit with Princesses 1 and 4 before they went to bed as they went home half way through the week for work and a youth adventure day. In my rush to pack the car...... I left my camera bag high up where it wouldn't get disturbed.... and.... where I didn't see it in my hurry to pack the car before the downpour started. It had been raining on and off through the day and was starting again. I can't tell you how sad that makes me. I use the camera almost daily.

It will be missed this week as I try to post on here. I have some wonderful photos of our week with out of state family. I hope to pick it up this weekend when I go back to pick up Princess number 3 from her weeks adventure.

She loved Kenya and I will post about that later when I have her photos and mine to share. I hope you will understand when I post things of our past with no camera to take photos with this week.

I am SOOOO GRATEFUL that the camera is located and safe and that I have such a wonderful camera that takes great photos so I can share them. This week will help you appreciate it as well as I will be using photos of the past to post. I actually have several things I have started posting from our past but haven't finished finding all the photos I need. I hope tomorrow I will have a more exciting post.

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