
Monday, July 25, 2011

The Ultimate Water Fight - Old/New Tradition

When we were young, I lived in the city for much of my childhood. I remember going to my mothers best friends house in a nicer suburb and they had neighborhood water fights. They would send out invitations and have everyone bring buckets full of balloons and the whole street would have one big water fight with treats at the end.

When my older kids were young, we did the same thing. However, with my children going to their dads during the summer and vacations, camps and other activities when I had them, this fun activity was forgotten until my oldest two princesses were home this weekend.

My eldest suggested that we "have a water fight like we used to have." My youngest called some friends and told them our idea. They showed up with squirt bottles and whatever they had at home. I bought some balloons bulk a few years ago on clearance for $.25 for a bag of 150 balloons. We had three groups filling balloons.

Some of the water balloons you buy come with a hose nozzle to fill balloons. I used a hose holder for one of the hoses making it easier for one person to fill them. We had two people in each group. One filled while the other tied. We filled some in the kitchen and each group worked until we had three coolers and a bucket full of balloons.

We also filled up old laundry soap buckets with water and had one in each corner of the yard full of sponge water balls. We have three soaker water guns and a few other assorted sprayers, guns and sponges.

We all had fun and enjoyed Popsicles after cleaning up while we dried off in the sun. I will also let you know that my sisters neighborhood had one last year that was the whole street and each house had those huge round buckets used to store gear full of water. They had one up in each front yard, they also had hoses and sponges, guns etc. None of our neighbors on the whole street have any children at home so ours wouldn't be the best street for that but if you have a child friendly street, that could be fun as well.

Keep your eye out in a month or two for clearance sells on the water-balloons, squirt guns, super soakers or water sponges so you can be ready for next year!

One caution: If there are little children around, broken balloons are a choking hazard so make sure you use the sponge balls if there will be any small children around during the fight or after as it is difficult to get all the small balloon pieces picked up.

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