
Friday, June 24, 2011

Viva Las Vegas Part 4

As many times as I have visited Vegas in my life, I had never gone and taken a photo with the "Welcome to Vegas" sign. We thought we would do that before leaving. It was almost 100 degrees at night and the days hotter so leaving was a joy.

This last post is just some weird things I noticed about or in Vegas. The first one was so funny, we went to Cesar's Palace to eat and they have a huge statue of "David" which of course is naked. So, we thought we would get some funny photos. When people saw us doing these photos, they copied. It was funny.

Then, I went into a very expensive shop asking about a beautiful coffee table and while in there, there was a roman statue that had the same "situation" already taken care of with a fig leaf. My sisters weren't in the shop so I took a photo of it and just as I did, a man and his wife came around the corner and the man said, "I caught you!" I laughed and explained about our photos of "David" and then went to speak to the shop attendant. I said, "I would take that if I could." speaking of another piece and the man came around just then and said, "I know what you would take home if you could." I blushed and figured explaining the real item I wanted wouldn't do much good.

Another funny was the sign in the woman's restroom. We figure they are under law to place the sign in the casino but not under law where they have to place the sign so it ended up in the restroom as to not really put anyone off drinking so the casino makes more money. Here it is in all its craziness. It warns that drinking during pregnancy can be a hazard.

Another funny was the footprints on the cross beams in the parking garage. Every beam had lots of foot prints and the best that we could figure is that they must have been laying flat before being put up so they are all full of footprints.

This next one isn't really funny but it is a statement. As you leave the parking garage to head into the casino, they have this sign next to the door. It says, "Lock you car, Take your keys, and Hide your valuables." There was a police officer on bike in the parking garage along with a police cruiser parked just inside the garage. We talked to the police officer who was friendly but thought that it is crazy that they need police on bikes in the garages. Doesn't say much for Vegas.
Any way I look at it, I am glad to be home but had a good time enjoying my mom and sisters company.

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