
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Viva Las Vegas Part 2

So, as stupid as this sounds. It is 1:35 a.m. and you won't believe that I went to bed after writing yesterday's post and got up in the morning, sent my family on their way and climbed back into bed and answered a few phone calls and texts and slept until 5 p.m.

I got up and ran some errands and made dinner. I visited with my girls and we ate. I worked on some bills and then got online and did my emails and started to post and I am so tired that I have been falling asleep again. I have jet lag with no jet. I am so tired I will just post a few photos and will have to catch up tomorrow I hope.

Two of my girls went out of town for the day, one for a meeting for leadership weekend in the fall and the other working with an autistic boy. It was the perfect day to sleep as Princess number five is still with her dad and Princess number two is finishing up that last summer class for her Major and 2 minors.

I was in Vegas with my mom and three sisters for four days. Sorry about the lack of information the past two days but I am hoping I can catch back up with sleep to be able to function tomorrow.

Hope you are having a wonderful summer!

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