
Monday, June 6, 2011

Does it Get any Better than This?

I went with the food bank board to a meeting on Friday to get a grant given by a non-profit group. They chose over 20 groups to give these grants and had over 200 applicants. The groups that were chosen were so inspirational. I was in awe of what charity goes on in our world. It was truly inspirational to me.

We had a wonderful lunch along with getting the check. I was very grateful that I was able to go and witness all the good that is right in our state.

I also had Princess number three head to a leadership weekend. She had a great time arriving home Sunday afternoon.

I had Princess number one and four all weekend and we enjoyed working on projects. I finished a number of quilt squares in the car driving to the above meeting and home again and then worked on more while visiting with the girls. I have under 15 squares left to quilt and then I can work on putting the quilt together. That will be for Princess number 4 and then one last quilt to do for my youngest princess.

Saturday my church congregation had a service in the community day and we went around and did yard work for the elderly. We probably did 12 houses or so in the different groups. In the middle Princess number 4 and I took some Popsicles around to all the groups. It was wonderful to see the yards transform. Some of the houses, we didn't know the people at all. I had just noticed the yard getting out of control. The family wasn't home and while we were cleaning, they drove up. It is an elderly couple and the yard just got away from them.

I came home and weeded my garden area and turned on my sprinklers. Worked great until today when I looked out the front window and had a water spout broken sprinkler washing my cars out front. :-)

Today, I went to church, did some visits to a friend that was in the hospital and visited a new women in our neighborhood whose husband was just activated with the military and left yesterday for a year. I offered babysitting services as she has three younger children. I love making new friends.

When I arrived home, my eldest princess rubbed my feet which put me to sleep within minutes. Princess number four rubbed my feet after I got dinner cleaned up. She put on a movie on her ipod and let me watch while she rubbed my feet.

I also texted my youngest Princess who is missing her sisters while she is visiting with her dad for a month. Two foot rubs, movie, visiting with my girls, what could be better?

Princess number three is packing tonight for another week long government leadership training. And Princess number four is headed off to early morning drill and marching band practice. The girls are enjoying their different activities and I wonder to myself, "Does it get any better than this?"

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