
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Carrot Pulp, Crackers and Flour

Yesterday, I told you how I make the carrot juice. I shared that I would let you know how I use the carrot (any vegetable for that matter) pulp. I figured this out a year or two ago. I went to a class for "Raw" foods and the woman said she used to throw away the pulp when she juiced but then she found out the fiber and pulp was almost of more value than the juice.

With that thought on my mind. I had lots of veggies at the end of the year and I couldn't dry, freeze or eat any more. I decided to juice them and freeze them into ice cubes and then take them out and let them melt into a glass and drink them that way. It worked out well and gave me "fresh" juice for months. However, I was left with lots of mixed veggie pulp. I wondered how they would taste as crackers. I mushed the pulp into patties and added spices. I then put them on the dehydrator for 24 hours and then stored them in Tupperware.

The crackers tasted fine but the texture was dry. I didn't like the texture so I saved them and when I make my rice in the rice cooker, I crumble the "crackers" up into small pieces and put them into the rice cooker as I cook the rice. It adds texture, color and nutrition to the rice.

Then, I had the idea to put the "crackers" into the coffee grinder and make carrot flour. It can be used to add color to homemade noodles or thrown into soups to thicken them. It can be used to add flavor to any sauce and dish and will add a nice orange color. If you have a Vitamix or another dry blender, you can make larger batches of veggie flour.

When I was making the carrot patties to dehydrate, I added some dried crushed red peppers to add more color and a bit of spice. The small bit of apple give sugar and the celery gives salt and the peppers give hot or spicy.

I am going to make some flax crackers this week and plan on adding a bit of the carrot flour to the mix. I will let you know how it goes. As you can tell from the past year of posts, I don't waste much.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing, it was really helpful. I just started saving the pulp this month. I have been juicing for a year and really hated throwing away all of that vegetable pulp. Have you tried juicing cauliflower? Its awesome! You can use the pulp for mashed cauliflower like mashed potatoes, or for making a cauliflower pizza crust or tortillas. Also you can use it to make the "cheese" part of raw lasagna and add in some brewers yeast to it to make it taste really good. Thanks again for the tips! I am a christian too, it is awesome to know other christians are raw and taking care of their bodies!
