
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Marvelous Mothers Day

I had a wonderful Mothers Day and I hope all reading this did as well. It started several days before and made for a great week. I got a card in the mail from Princess number 2 who had finals this week. She had to plan early to get that in the mail and with 21 credit hours and work, it really meant a lot that she had the time and wrote me a beautiful card and letter. I opened it on Thursday when it came but only looked at the card wanting to save the letter for Mothers Day.

The card was funny and she had to search it out. They have a standing joke that I will meet "Superman" someday so for her to find a "Superman" card was a family joke. See here for more on that:

Then on Friday, I got flowers. Princess number 2 again took some time and thought and sent flowers with a card saying, "From your Superman." and signed her name. They are beautiful.

Sunday comes and I woke to a lovely flower with a "Happy Mothers Day" on it pounded into my yard. My sister's family put that up in our yard. The local Cheer squad did it for a fund raiser. That was a nice way to start the day.

We enjoyed wonderful Sunday meetings and got a cute little magnet at church. My friend Julie and I went to visit a few ladies from our congregation that were home sick to deliver a magnet to them. On our way back to get into the car, I looked down and just outside my car was a shiny dime. I laughed as I picked it up. Julie reads my blog so she knows about me finding coins. I smiled as I told her, "Heavenly Father loves me!" He was wishing me a happy Mothers Day! He has given me three dimes this week as I was getting into my car and I told her the wonderful stories with each. I will have to share them with you tomorrow.

I got a call from Princess number 1 who is visiting an adopted Grandmother across the country and we enjoyed visiting.

Princess number 5 gave me a picture and card she made along with a candle with a cute saying on it. I enjoyed visiting with my mom and sisters and received many texts and well wishes.

Princess number 3 gave me a bird house she made and decorated in rainbows and wrote a sweet note on the back. We are going to varnish it so we can put it outside. She also gave me a wonderful pretzel, caramel treat which we all enjoyed.

Princess number 4 gave me a most loved foot rub and a WalMart gift card she won doing a coloring contest. She also did a rainbow on her picture. She also gave me a tulip planter she made.

I did visit my neighbor who doesn't have children and has a few dogs she calls her children. I wished her a happy Mothers Day and gave her a magnet and joked that I didn't think her "babies" would get her anything. She joked back that they were so ungrateful as she had given them a haircut and everything.

The rest of the day was spent finishing Princess number 3's hand print quilt (YEAH!) while we watched movies together.
Princess number 4 put together a puzzle she won playing Bingo at our family party and she didn't want anyone to help her. She finished it and then we started a 2000 piece puzzle. That will take us forever but we got the outside put together.

It really couldn't have been much better. I am blessed to have such wonderful parents, grandparents and equally blessed to have such amazing sisters and daughters in my life. I often ask myself "Why am I so blessed?"

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