
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Gratitude Grant for Kenya

I have had a very busy May with the girls finishing up school. That is expected and if you look at last year during this time I posted a post called, "May, May be Busy." which has been the case this year.

However, amongst those crazy times, there are wonderful miracles that Heavenly Father puts in my path to remind me that he is in charge and loves us.

My Princess number three that is going to Kenya, received a call from the local ELKS club saying that they were going to give her $500 towards her Kenya trip. We were very excited and she promised to give them a presentation upon her return to show what things they did to help the people in Kenya.

I think I posted about another person we aren't close to giving her $500 as well. How blessed we are to have people so willing to share.

We looked at the check when we arrived home and I laughed out loud when I looked at what they called the check. Hopefully, you can click on the photos and see for yourselves what they chose to entitle the check. However, if you can't, I want to let you know that the people of the ELKS club don't know me and I don't know them. They chose the title of the check not knowing me....

They wrote, "Gratitude Grant" on the check both in the memo spot and on the tear off portion. I thought to myself, "There couldn't be a better title for a check written to our family."

So, here are the checks with the names blanked out. I just had to give gratitude for the "Gratitude Grant!"

Thanks again to you for reading my blog!

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